View Full Version : Justin's First 'Ski

Red Childress
10-10-2012, 06:41 AM
Justin and his wife traveled from Maryland to PA last weekend to hunt down his first musky. As luck would have it, he succeeded.

We had just fished through a spot and I had just caught a little pike so I got off the trolling motor briefly to unhook it and the high winds pushed us back through the same spot but at a different angle when this musky ate Justin's downsized rubber swimbait under post-frontal conditions. (Another fish eating a bait minutes later from a different casting angle.......hmmmmm.)

10-10-2012, 07:19 AM
Thats AWESOME. Congrats to all involved on gettin Justin his first Musky!!

Red, had you guys seen that fish earlier? Just curious. I'm always torn between really attacking a spot, or trying the run and gun thing. Obviously if I see fish, that makes the decision easier. I believe that I'm gonna stick with attackin spots for a while and see where that leaves me. I usually kind of leaned in that direction anyhow.

Red Childress
10-10-2012, 07:32 AM
We had not seen that fish at all before she ate but we did hit a different fish on the exact same spot the next morning though. As a general rule, if we have not moved anything for the first 5 hours or so under post-frontal conditions, we start dissecting fewer spots with smaller rubber stuff like the regular-sized Bulldawgs........on very slow post-frontal days we even downsize to the Spring Dawg size stuff and they have bailed us out more than a few times on ultra-tuff days.

10-10-2012, 11:27 AM
I gotcha. Sounds like a good approach, especially since it seems like all we get are front/post frontal weather patterns anymore. I swear its every other day at this point. I keep trying to hold off on trips waiting for something a little more stable. However, I determined that if I keep playin that game, I'll never get to fish. So, just gonna get on the water and see what happens.

10-10-2012, 06:51 PM
Congratulations to Justin... the WV fan from MD who catches musky in PA!!
Nice fish... Heck of a way to start out!
Do you think he caught the bug or is a one and done?

Red Childress
10-11-2012, 06:36 AM
As of yesterday, he was figuring out a way to sell all his bass stuff and upgrade (aka....go in debt) to Esox tackle. He is coming back in March to hunt them once again.

10-11-2012, 11:19 AM
Congrats on the fish.

Red......I think your getting a kickback on these lure makers, ruined another anglers credit card balance!!!! LOL

10-11-2012, 07:44 PM
As of yesterday, he was figuring out a way to sell all his bass stuff and upgrade (aka....go in debt) to Esox tackle. He is coming back in March to hunt them once again.

I remember my spending spree 3 years ago when I caught the bug. Wait... who am I kidding? I'm still on it.