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View Full Version : Sucker Fishing (trolling Motor question)

10-03-2012, 09:34 AM
Hey Ty/ Everyone,

Was just wondering what the deal is this year with what is legal and what isn't when sucker fishing in terms of having your trolling motor in the water? I plan on trailing a sucker while casting artificials but if it gets too cold or windy this weekend I may just put suckers out. Are you able to use your trolling motor at all while you have suckers out whether you are casting artificials or not?

10-03-2012, 02:29 PM
1 - A quick strike rig (a bait with one or more treble hooks attached to the body of the minnow behind the head) MUST be used if your bait is 8" or longer. (added this year)
2 - When using a quick strike rig and a minnow 8" or longer for bait, you MUST immediately attempt to set the hook upon indication of a strike. (added this year)
3 - Motor trolling is trailing a lure, bait or similar device while being propelled forwards or backwards by motor or sail. Casting and immediate retrieval of a lure or bait while being propelled forward or backwards by motor or sail is not considered motor trolling.
4 - Position fishing is fishing from a boat where the line extends vertically from the rod tip into the water while the boat is maneuvered forwards or backwards using a motor to maintain position over a piece of underwater structure. Position fishing is allowed statewide on all waters.
5 - Trailing a bait or lure from a boat that is being propelled by a motor or sail and at the same time casting and immediately retrieving another bait or lure is considered motor trolling and is not allowed. (added last year)

Hope this helps.

10-03-2012, 03:14 PM
3 - Motor trolling is trailing a lure, bait or similar device while being propelled forwards or backwards by motor or sail. Casting and immediate retrieval of a lure or bait while being propelled forward or backwards by motor or sail is not considered motor trolling.
4 - Position fishing is fishing from a boat where the line extends vertically from the rod tip into the water while the boat is maneuvered forwards or backwards using a motor to maintain position over a piece of underwater structure. Position fishing is allowed statewide on all waters.
5 - Trailing a bait or lure from a boat that is being propelled by a motor or sail and at the same time casting and immediately retrieving another bait or lure is considered motor trolling and is not allowed. (added last year)

The question still remians Cloudy at best. Is trailing considered pulling a float or dragging meat behiond the boat ?? Is position fishing considered vertical sucker fishing while still casting. They (DNR) definition of vertical can harly apply to position fishing. What angle is allowed on the line. Is vertical fishing a Sucker from the side of your boat, considered dragging ???

10-04-2012, 06:35 AM
I think that it would take a real jerk to punish anyone for dragging suckers using your electric motor. I don't think they want to open that can of worms. Plus if people starts getting tickets and not buying suckers anymore all the bait dealers would probably start a riot. I personally will keep doing it until someone tells me not to.

10-04-2012, 09:40 AM
don't use a bobber and you'll be fine - remember to to help out with the tourney this weekend if you hear a air horn go and check it out
good luck this week end!!!!!!

10-04-2012, 06:06 PM
I think that it would take a real jerk to punish anyone for dragging suckers using your electric motor. I don't think they want to open that can of worms. Plus if people starts getting tickets and not buying suckers anymore all the bait dealers would probably start a riot. I personally will keep doing it until someone tells me not to.

Hopefully someone will get you real soon since this is motor trolling, and somebody will probably get nailed and try to claim they are "position fishing" and likely pay several hundred into the kitty before it is done.

Dragging suckers with your electric motor is trolling. Illegal in this water but legal in many parts of the state. Go there if you feel the need. If you still want to hang out a sucker, better be drifting with the wind and only correcting the drift with the electric, and I wouldn't advise correcting the drift against the wind, cause once again that is clearly trolling.

The only people that seem to claim a difficulty in understanding the law are the chumps that want to be allowed to violate.

Again there is plenty of water where you can troll your suckers and cast at the same time legally with the motor, and you can do it legally on the CHIP AND MANY OTHER WATERS, IF SOMEBODY WORKS THE OARS.

No problem with the law, and there is no grey area about it, easy to understand.

Mark Benson
10-04-2012, 06:24 PM
Hopefully someone will get you real soon since this is motor trolling, and somebody will probably get nailed and try to claim they are "position fishing" and likely pay several hundred into the kitty before it is done.

Dragging suckers with your electric motor is trolling. Illegal in this water but legal in many parts of the state. Go there if you feel the need. If you still want to hang out a sucker, better be drifting with the wind and only correcting the drift with the electric, and I wouldn't advise correcting the drift against the wind, cause once again that is clearly trolling.

The only people that seem to claim a difficulty in understanding the law are the chumps that want to be allowed to violate.

Again there is plenty of water where you can troll your suckers and cast at the same time legally with the motor, and you can do it legally on the TFF, IF somebody works the oars.

No problem with the law, and there is no grey area about it, easy to understand.

Here, Here perchoreno!!! Couldn't say it better myself!!!


10-05-2012, 08:09 AM
Perch0reno you are calling a LOT of people who use the electric motor to throw baits and simultaneously drag suckers "chumps". Don't be a hater. Do I sense a little "fish envy"? Lighten up Frances!!

Ty Sennett
10-08-2012, 06:35 AM
I agree Phatty. I'd say more people troll suckers than oar suckers. More like 90% of the people troll suckers. I don't see a problem with it. It's not like you catch more fish one way or another.

10-11-2012, 04:29 PM
I’ve been fishing the Chip and other area lakes for about 14 years--- both with and without guides at different times. Every guide we have ever used in the Fall is hanging a Sucker over the side of the boat while we’re moving the boat along with the electric trolling motor and casting lures. Every single person I’ve fished with over the years also does it. We have never been bothered by the DNR about, and I don’t know of anybody who has been.

Ty Sennett
10-12-2012, 11:35 AM
One style of using suckers isn't right or wrong. Their just two different styles of fishing. Some people prefer to row suckers while others enjoy casting while sucker fishing. I'm glad to see the DNR clear things up some because in some ways restricting people with certain regulations causes less fishing. Less fishing means less spending in the economy. The little mom and pop shops like Jenks and D&B Bait and Tackle end up suffering.

I look at it like this; I don't enjoy row trolling crankbaits in the fall. Some anglers do and that's just fine. Just because I don't enjoy or understand why someone could possibly enjoy row trolling, that doesn't mean I should in any way look negatively at what they do. I commend anyone that is out fishing in the fall because it's not easy wether you cast, troll, row troll, or just drag suckers. Just appreciate that people enjoy the sport enough to suffer through the fall.