View Full Version : Fishing Report 9/27/12

Chad Cain
09-27-2012, 08:22 PM
I guided Frank Hanzlik the last two days and we boated five muskies. Most were 38-41". The first day Frank had a follow on his third cast of the day, and then boated a 40" on his sixth cast of the day. I got a 39" shortly after on a topwater. Then the storms came. We ended up getting off the water for almost four hours. The evening was slow as we only saw a few fish.

Today we got three and lost a couple more. Very short feeding windows today. Hours of not seeing anything and then whamo, see five fish in twenty minutes. Frank had most of the action on a tandem Nutbuster, and I got a couple fish on dc8's. I did raise a few fish on twitchbaits too. Water is 72-74 degrees on most of the lake.