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09-25-2012, 10:06 AM
I wanted to thank you for showing me around the flowage and shortening my learning curve. I love fishing that place. I raised the fish we seen on Tuesday the next day right around the same time. It went around three times on the figure 8 but would not bite. We have booked the same two weeks for next year. I will get with you about scheduling a couple of days again. Even though the fish were not cooperative I had a lot of fun. Attached is a photo of a 45" that I caught while there. I also caught a 20" and raised 4 other fish. If you ever get in the Dayton, Ohio area give me a shout. Thanks again.

Marvin Schilling

Pete Rich
09-25-2012, 11:35 AM
That is awesome. Glad to hear you had a good trip. I had a lot of fun out with you and I'm looking forward to next year. Hopefully I don't hook you after a fish shakes the lure lol. Have a. Great winter and keep in touch.

09-25-2012, 02:28 PM
Congrats on the nice musky Marv, I met you at Indian Trails, I was up there 7-15 in the mobile home on the east end. I had one hit on Little Petes and spooked one on Mittens but no button for me this year. Hope to see you up again next year, a thought, would you be interested in sharing some guide bookings, Pete is great and some time with Ty Sennett would also surely be productive. Dean in Sparta

09-25-2012, 06:54 PM
Congrats on the nice musky Marv, I met you at Indian Trails, I was up there 7-15 in the mobile home on the east end. I had one hit on Little Petes and spooked one on Mittens but no button for me this year. Hope to see you up again next year, a thought, would you be interested in sharing some guide bookings, Pete is great and some time with Ty Sennett would also surely be productive. Dean in Sparta

Hey Dean,
Yeah I remember you. We will be back the same 2 weeks next year. I caught that fish the day you left. Then Brenda had to steal my thunder and caught 5 fish in 24 hours. We will have to stay in touch. I may be interested. We are trying to talk Connie's kids and brother in coming with us next year, so we will see.
Pete, I definately will stay in touch. If nothing else you had the biggest sucker on your pole that you ever had when you hooked me. I could see in your eyes all you were thinking of was getting that lure back in the water, that's why I yelled. Hope you stay booked up for the rest of the year.
To anyone that is thinking about using Pete, go ahead and book. Very infomative, helpfull, and fun to fish with. See you all next year, if not before!!

09-26-2012, 11:40 AM
sounds good Marv, my email is deantre@hotmail.com if you want to get in touch. Dean in sparta