View Full Version : Another First

09-12-2012, 07:48 PM
My brother and I had a Musky actually jump into the boat over the weekend. I was fishing out of the front when I saw a Musky come shootin out from under the boat. Just then, I hear some commotion in the back and turn to see a small (24ish) Musky laying on the boat floor at my brothers feet. The odd thing was that my brother was lookin at me and I couldn't figure out what was going on. I figured he had hooked the thing and I was kind of pissed that he didn't let me get it in the net and keep it in the water. Well, the thing started floppin a bit, so we hurried and got it back in the water. it was until then that he told me it JUMPED into the boat. Both of our lines were out of the water for a bit at that particular time. The reason he was lookin at me in the front of the boat was because he thought that I had thrown something at him, not realizing it was the Musky!! LOL The only thing I can think of is that fish was chasing the other one and for some reason launched itself out of the water. Who knows?? Man, we couldn't stop laughing about that afterward. I really wish someone had it on video.

09-13-2012, 07:20 AM
I'd definately count that one to my annual total ;)

09-13-2012, 08:05 AM
I have had them slam into the side of the boat and I've had their heads pop out of the water a foot or so but never anything like that. That is bringing them into the boat a little too "green" makes them hard to handle I would think? HA HA

09-13-2012, 10:21 AM
that's too funny. Who get's to claim the fish as his, you or your brother? lol


09-13-2012, 11:52 AM
LOL We figured that since he was closest, he gets it. However, he only gets half since he only got to do half of the Catch and Release part. I'll tell ya, in the few short years I've been chasin these fish, I've probably seen more crazy things than in all my years of fishing for other species. You just never know what a day on the water is gonna bring.

HD Fatboy
09-13-2012, 12:47 PM
Thats a great story, Thanks Jay!

12-17-2012, 09:25 PM

I have had them swipe at my lure boat side and slam into the side of the hull, pretty sure we were both surprised. I also once had one hit and through our combined effort (his and mine) fly up onto shore and start flopping around all in pitch black night... and lastly, the small pike that jumped and skipped off of my kayak and about 5' into the air.

BTW Hello all I am still alive! Merry Christmas!


12-18-2012, 11:14 AM

Great to hear from ya man. I was wondering if you were still out there or if the toothy critters finally got the best of ya. ;p

LOL These fish definitely do some crazy stuff, thats for sure. You just never know whats in store on any given trip on the water. I also had a pike come flying to the surface just after I had pulled a topwater bait from the water. The thing basically had its snout sticking out of the water. It made eye contact with me and seemed to be asking "why the hell did you have to go and pull my meal away from me?!?!". Either that, or I was on the water too long that day and I needed a break. LOL

And Happy Holidays to you too. Not much fishin gear for me this year, Santa was already nice enough to bring me a new guitar. I must have been pretty damn good this year!! ;p


12-28-2012, 02:30 PM
my buddy suggested small jumped to avoid big. Never had one jump at the kayak but it will be in the back of my mind from now on.

12-31-2012, 12:23 PM
That definitely could have been the case here. The other fish didn't seem too much larger than the one that jumped into the boat, but we've all seen/heard the pics and stories of fish about the same sizes attacking one another. That kinds of stuff makes ya wish you could have some video cameras positioned all around the boat running constantly. You just never know what kind of excitement might happen. I know my brother would be pissed to know that I'm putting this on the board, but I'd pay good money to have video of him hooking one of his spare rods and actually casting the damn thing into the water. Luckily, it stayed hooked and he got it back. I got to witness the whole thing from the back of the boat and about pissed myself laughing. Just as I heard his hooks hit the other rod, I turned just in time to see him launching it into the air. LMAO