View Full Version : baby muskie

09-03-2012, 05:48 PM
18028Went out Labor day and it looked like lake of the ozarks! caught several quality largemouth, 4 lb and larger. lost one around 8 lbs and caught a little baby gem! water was still around 80 degrees. i did see a few people muskie fishing and one guy boat mid 40's fish back by water plant. are they still stocking baby muskie in lake? just curious.

Chad Cain
09-04-2012, 12:35 AM
I just saw the 2012 stocking report, and it looks like Kinkaid go a lot of fish this year. Unfortunately, many of them were small fish. Lets just hope for great survival. I know our biologist is worried we lost a lot of fish over the barrier in last years flood, and he is trying his best to boost the population. I think the fishing has been great this year, but you have to be on packs of fish. Lots of dead areas on the lake at times. Find the fish, lots of fun!!