View Full Version : fishing report 9/1

Steve Herbeck
09-01-2012, 11:12 AM
water temps bouncing back and forth from high 60's to low 70's depending up[on temps,weather,and wind. thurs fri temps in the 80's water temps surface with little wind 71.5.
despite less than favorable conditions of high skys and low winds muskys are moving and being caught, some days better than others though most days had movement windows and the slightest incling of weather moving would would set them off or after tougher days ams or pms would open up. both weeds and rocks but even the smallest shallowest patches of weeds are holding fish. the carlson group had 22 fish to 50.5,2 49,2-3 48's with 3 personal bests in the group, bill is up to 17 with 51.5 largest with another week to go,scott 51.5,travis 50,dave had 8 fish to 52.5,rodellis had 7 fish,lots of upcoming fish 38-44" and the bulk of the fish boated this week have been 41-48", some tankers on and off just nipping or hitting out and rushing the boat. with the slightest cool down up and coming it will break loose in a big way with the jumbos that have been deeper on/off the walleye humps and suspended moving up shallow and we look forward to an awesome fall.
walleyes continue to be in similar patterns as through all of aug. though dropping slightly deeper with thermocline . avg 28-35 though catching some days to 40'+. main lake basin hard bottom flats off humps producing most fish.
once you get past 30' big pike a distinct possibility on big chubs,5-6" sucker minnows and or deep divers like stretch manns or spoon plugs trolling.
lake trout bunched up in deepest holes suspended for the most part around 60-70'.
bass sporatic yet but once water temps drop into low 60's a bonanza of big bass on humps will be available.
some of the best fishing of the entire season will be happening very soon after the hot water months everyone has experienced and the arriving longer cooler nites,shorter days and dropping water temps. you can see the fish seem to be anxiously waiting for it because just a 1-4 degree drop or inclincling of weather and they go on a binge.
still got some availablity through sept and first 3 weeks of oct,would be great to have ya part of camp. give us a shout 888 727 5865 or e-mail info@andymyerslodge.com and we'll take good care of you.
good fishing!!!

09-05-2012, 12:33 AM
Heading up sat sept 8th for week in central section. Fished musky mainly in 3rd week in july last 2 years and have found fish on mid lake structures(rock). My questions are with water slightly cooler than mid summer and bass possibly moving up on shallow humps if water temps get to low 60s- will the muskies follow the bass and use same areas? And what approach should I use entering early fall vs mid summer for structure?