View Full Version : Water temps have dropped

08-18-2012, 07:14 PM
The lake has really cooled off with these cool nights we have been having lately. I saw main lake water temperatures at 81 this weekend. Fishing was slow.

08-26-2012, 03:06 PM
Went bass fishing on Kinkaid from 7:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 25th. Water temperatures were 81 on the main lake in the morning. By the afternoon, the water temperature had reached 83. The pleasure boating was intense after 10:00 a.m. The warm days last week must have kept the water temperatures from falling any farther. I will be out fishing over Labor Day weekend. I will give another temperature update then.

08-28-2012, 10:05 AM
Went bass fishing on Kinkaid from 7:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 25th. Water temperatures were 81 on the main lake in the morning. By the afternoon, the water temperature had reached 83. The pleasure boating was intense after 10:00 a.m. The warm days last week must have kept the water temperatures from falling any farther. I will be out fishing over Labor Day weekend. I will give another temperature update then.

Looks like you will have a hurricane sitting over the lake on labor day weekend. At least it will keep the wake boats off the water. Water temps to 83 yesterday afternoon.

09-09-2012, 09:51 PM
Made it out on Kinkaid the past two weekends.

Saturday, September 1st - Fished from 8:30 am until 1:30 pm. Would have gotten to the lake earlier, but I blew a tire on the trailer on the way. Water temps were still above 80 when I launched. I was hoping the rain from Hurricane Isaac would have brought the temperatures down more. Lake was nice and quiet in the morning. Traffic was definitely picking up in the afternoon. No way I was coming back on Labor Day even if the weather was good. When I left the lake, surface temps were creeping toward 83. Fished the main lake. Bass bite was good once the wind picked up. Dead calm and humid in the morning.

Sunday, September 9th - Fished from 3:30 pm until 7:00 pm. Water temperatures were 78-79 on the main lake. Back by the water treatment plant, temperatures were hovering around 80. Looks like SIU bass team had a tournament on the lake. Didn't hear how the tournament went. Hopefully the cool evenings this week will drop the water temperature some more. High pressure made fishing tough.
