View Full Version : The muskys were a biting

Flambeau Riverman
08-14-2012, 10:56 PM
Just got back this past Sat. from a 2 week trip up north. The first 2 days were a little slow with a 35 incher boated after that the musky's were on fire.
We boated and saw alot of musky's and as luck would have it we slid a 30+ pounder in the net the only downer was I had a bigger musky on but she ran straight under the boat and got off. Overall it was a great trip and I can't wait for are Sept. Trip.

Blue it was nice to finally meet you I'm sorry we only talked for a short time but we had already been out there 6 hours and the wife was starving and needed food.
The spot you were fishing is a sweet spot and there's a couple of others not to far away. We caught the big girl in the area I mentioned to you.
I wanted to say thanks again for all the Pic's & tours you've posted it really does get me through the hard water months.
Was it just me or was the water really cloudy on parts of the flowage and the water level seemed pretty high for this time off the year?

When we left the water temps were at 70 deg. there were so many boats heading north it was killing me to be heading south.
For those who must know the big girl was CPR'd so she's waiting for you....

08-16-2012, 07:51 PM
Glad you had a successful trip - and it wouldn't be musky fishing without an occasional heartbreak!

I've been really surprised by the number of people who have checked out the virtual tour - over 3200 unique visitors so far. If anybody hasn't seen it, it's at http://tours.grandviewvirtual.com/public/vtour/display/12204. Most of it was shot just a few months before the tornado hit. It seems like almost everyone I meet on the water mentions the photography, so I'll keep it coming. Haven't been up much this season due to a variety of things messing up my schedule, but that should change as the fall season approaches. I have been posting plenty of photos from short local outings, even if it's just going out in the front yard to shoot some flowers.

The Frog caster
08-22-2012, 02:14 PM
Hello Ranger and River Man, I finally made it to the Flowage after a 43 yr. sabatical. I did the Murray's landing thing and nearly got lost. Just a few smallies, and yes the water looked cloudy to me too. The Flambeau is as pretty as I remember since the late fifties and 1960's. Back then of course it was loaded with Walleye's, stumps and log jams. I don't care how good the fishing can be now-a-days ........... it was heaven back then, let me tell ya. Anyhow, once our landing opens on Mercer lake I'll get my "real" boat out and give the Flowage another try. I really like the smaller local lakes for fishing purposes, but the beauty of the Flambeau is hard to beat. Regards, the old "frog caster"