View Full Version : Fishing report for 7-12-2012 Another limit of walleyes

07-13-2012, 09:18 AM
Hi everyone,

Guided Jeff and Mark for a half day yesterday picking them up at the "CC" north boat landing at three P.M.. With another sunny day with warm air temps, the strong South wind felt welcome. We stated out with a bang catching three walleyes at the first spot. All were small,so on we ventured. It was slow going for a while having not even panfish hits for the next few spots when I finally found the honey hole. We caught several walleyes - not bang bang, but rather one here and working hard, we would get another. When the action finally slowed at that spot , we moved one more time and finished up catching our limit of 9 keeper walleyes with a bonus crappie. We caught a total of 14 walleyes throwing 5 smaller ones back, a few bluegills,sm bass, and the one crappie. The walleyes were biting real light feeling like just weight many times as they would just stop the jig and hold on for a few seconds.

We caught everything on lead free jigs and leeches with a bobber rig out that did not get much action. the water temps were a scorching 83 degrees by late afternoon and the strong South wind fizzled to a moderate breeze. Luckily the air temps started to go down as the sun went down.

Again we fished "The Walleyemaxx System" as I always do. I teach this system to all my clients, and looking at the picture, you can see it works. I have many openings for July, so if you would like hands on experience with a proven system and to be a field tester of my new lead free jigs, Give me a call, or email. To buy my book "The Walleyemaxx System", visit my book page where you can order from there. Good luck fishing everyone.
