View Full Version : July 9th and 10th report

Ty Sennett
07-11-2012, 07:25 AM
we had some tough fishing but moved a few good fish the last few days. The weather was kind of stagnent out there but nice none the less. Cody caught his first fish on a little homemade bucktail that was 45 1/2 inches and we meaning I lost one the same size oon a Mag Bulldawg yesterday. We caught and lost two others yesterday also. On the 9th we didn't see much all day and then had what seemed like a big fish hit a Creeptonite at dark but didn't get hooks into it.

Water temps are between 77 and 82 degrees so take the hooks out in the net and try not to keep the fish out of the water long and the fish will be fine.

Good luck,