View Full Version : TFF Fishing

07-02-2012, 01:02 PM
I am heading up this weekend to do some fishing with my son and am curious on some ways to fish walleyes up there. I know the basics, jigging and slipbobbers, but are there any other ways to fish walleyes up there? I know trolling is not an option with all of the structure up there, but I am curious and advice would be greatly apprieciated. Also, what have the walleyes been biting recently, leeches or crawlers? Thanks!

08-21-2012, 12:59 PM
Actually, trolling is not an option because of all the structure, Trolling is not an option because IT IS ILLEGAL! Check the regs.

I am heading up this weekend to do some fishing with my son and am curious on some ways to fish walleyes up there. I know the basics, jigging and slipbobbers, but are there any other ways to fish walleyes up there? I know trolling is not an option with all of the structure up there, but I am curious and advice would be greatly apprieciated. Also, what have the walleyes been biting recently, leeches or crawlers? Thanks!

George G
08-21-2012, 04:44 PM
Some prefer casting Rapala's no live bait at all.