View Full Version : Three Rivers Muskies Inc Lake Chautauqua Tournament

allegheny river kid
06-30-2012, 09:03 AM
Chautauqua Lake Team Tournament 2012
Hosted by Three River Chapter of Muskies Inc.
July 21st and 22nd
Signup, Fees and Payouts
Tournament Headquarter at the Pendergrast boat launch. Sign up 6:30 to 7:30am July 21st
Entry fee is $50 per 2 man team. $10 will go to Three Rivers Muskies. 6 rod boat limit!
Non Muskies Inc members will be charged and additional $10 per team member to enter
Optional 50" pot, only Three Rivers members are eligible, pot currently is $790. The first 50"+ caught, witnessed by another Three Rivers Member in another boat and safely released will take the money.
This will be a cash tournament, 1st place 50%, 2nd 30%, 3rd place 10% and longest musky caught will take the other 10%.
Tournament hours will be from 8am to 8pm Saturday and 7am to 2pm Sunday
There will be No Fishing outside the tournament hours
This is a team points event. Each 30" musky will be worth 5 points and 1 additional point for every inch over 30". Most points per team will take the prizes.
All fish must be witnessed by a Three Rivers member, your boat partner can be your witness. If you are a member fishing with a non member you can witness your own fish.
This is a 100% catch and release and artificial lures only tournament.
All entrants must sign a release of liability form before participating
Prize money will be split evenly in event of any ties
Release forms must be turned in by 3pm Sunday at the Pendergrast boat launch
All tournament director decisions Will be final
We will be using channel 9 on the marine radio
Good Luck and Be Safe!!

07-02-2012, 10:31 AM
i am amusky fisherman of pa. i saw this post ans was intertested in the tournament and other tournaments but not sure how to get started.
I was curious of where do you find the touraments at and how do you become a member or the three rivers muskies inc

07-02-2012, 11:59 AM
dmc, Where do you live? The Three Rivers MI meetings are held the second Monday of every month at The North Side Sportmans Club in the Warrendale/Cranberry area. You do not have to be a member to attend a meeting, but you could check one out and join if you like. Otherwise, go to the Muskies Inc. website (international organization) and download a membership application. You will need to designate a local chapter to be affiliated with. Three Rivers Chapter is #16. The club is a great way to meet some guys with a ton of experience and can make you a better muskie fisherman. Joining the club helped me tremendously when I started about 15yrs ago. It's like anything else though...it is what you make of it. Don't expect guys to just hand you what they have worked so hard to learn. Most of my good friends are people I met through Muskies Inc. and muskie fishing in general. If you make a meeting, and I am there, introduce yourself. My name is Adam Andresky.

07-02-2012, 12:01 PM
The next meeting should be 7/9 and starts around 7 or 7:30pm.

allegheny river kid
07-13-2012, 02:13 PM
Chapter Tournament update:

After having debated the subject for a few days, and Jim getting information from PA and NY biologists, New York Biologist Mike Chancy, western New york region, we have decided that the tournament will go on as planned. A few changes will ensue, 1st and foremost, We are setting the cutoff point of the tournament if the temps on average across the lake from people on both basins is above 82 dgs. by 2pm on Saturday July 21st the tournament will be suspended til sunday morning again at 7am, to take pressure off the fish in high temps, if not the tournament can be fished out til 8pm as planned. I (Joel Morrow) will be making the call after getting temps from a few people on different ends and areas of the lake. My phone # will be posted on rules sheet, if anyone doesn't have a marine radio and can't receive the announcement your are urged to call me to get the update. 2nd, signup will now be between 6 and 7am on the 21st, tournament will start at 7am on saturday instead of 8am. If you know of anybody fishing the tournament that doesn't read the forums or websites, please update them to the changes. From this point out i take it upon myself to hear all the problems and concerns and questions, please pass them along to me not Jim Burr or Joe Houck. I will be the one making the calls from this point out.

Joel Morrow

07-16-2012, 05:56 PM
So if someone is lucky enough to catch a 50 inch fish it needs to be witnessed by a member from another boat? If we are so concerned about the safety of the fish why would anyone lug around a true trophy and risk the health of the fish for a couple bucks?

07-17-2012, 05:26 AM
The lucky angler will call on the radio to find someone close to come to them. Everyone likes to see a 50+ so someone should get to them right away.
The fish will just remain in the net, no hauling the fish around happens.

The PMTT has judge boats and check all the fish in a similar fashion.

Larry Jones
07-17-2012, 07:45 PM
Chautauqua Lake has a 40" size limit ,as far as tournaments go under NY DEC rules only fish of legal size can be removed from the water. That is why the Chautauqua Tourneys have 40" minimum for prizes._Each Tournament is also required to get a Permit from the NY DEC for $35.

allegheny river kid
07-17-2012, 08:54 PM

When i talked with Mike Lansky this spring of the NY DEC, i gave him all the information of our tournament and he told me since we were under 25 boats and using Pendergrast launch and wouldn't be obstructing the boat launch we didn't require a permit for our tournament. They did require a permit for boats over 25 boats participating in the contest though. He did take the informaton down but that was all.

Joel M

Larry Jones
07-18-2012, 06:37 AM
That is cool if Mike Clancy cleared you on the Permit,I only mentioned it because I did not want you guys to have a problem. If you plan on bringing under sized fish our of the water for measurements In the tourney you better check back with Mike Clancey again, Paul McKewn would not allow fish under the legal size limit of 40" to be removed from the water for the PMTT or The Chautauqua Tourneys.

07-18-2012, 08:24 AM
That sounds kind of fishy to me......if you catch a walleye or a bass you always bring it into the boat without a net to unhook it to release or keep it depending on the length. If fishing a walleye tourney and the fish is close to the 15" mark or whatever the lake min. is you'd be checking it.
I myself log my MI fish and get a measurement on all my fish no matter where it is, I bring them out of the water for a few seconds and measure them on my bump board.

Now mishandling the fish and it dies and undersized I'm sure you'd be getting a fine.
I've seen tons of undersized Chaut. fish pictures in my day, taken a good many myself too.

Larry Jones
07-18-2012, 09:24 AM
Frank,Reed what I posted again.For Tournaments all fish must be legal size,you will measure some fish that are under size,you should be able to tell those that are not even close to 40 inches and water release them..I did not say for regular fishing. That is what I was explained was the rules for the PMTT and the Chautauqua Bait Fish Tournaments by Paul McKewn when he was ahead of NY DEC Region 9.Also if a legal size fish over 40" dies while releasing You must take possession and your done fishing for the day you have your limit of 1 (one) per day creel.For smallmouth bass they wrote rules allowing 1(one) bass of trophy size can be in the livewell and can be culled out for a bigger one,but only one can be in the livewell during the Trophy Bass Catch & Release Season.We do not have a year round open trophy season for Muskies, therfore possession is any fish out of the water if under legal size,to be unhooked and imeadiately released.

07-18-2012, 11:46 AM
Sup guys! I was just kinda browsing this thread. As the Tournament Director for the Niagara Musky Association, we are having a Nite Bite Tournament the begging of August in the Niagara River....although, I will recommend canceling the tournament it if the water temperature goes above 77 degrees. I've had real trouble reviving fish in hot water temps, even at night. The Niagara river is currently 75.8 degrees, what's the temperature on Chautauqua? I'm assuming is probably getting up there since we haven't had rain. I would be very cautious if the water is above 77. I know several guides on Cave Run that stop fishing after 78 degrees. I know I stop once I see high water temps. I hope no body hates me for throwing my own 2 cents in here! LOL

Frank! How has the fishing been down there? Any big ones to report? Niagara has been a little slow... Trav's brother got a 46 night fishing recently, but that's about it. I'm thinking of planing a trip to the Detroit river the first Saturday in June next year... you in? Then maybe the St. Lawrence the middle of July. Let me know!

Adam Kaz

Larry Jones
07-18-2012, 01:49 PM
First of all please do not take my posts wrong,I am in no way against Three Rivers having the Tournament this weekend, just think the period from 1pm to 4pm when the water surface is the hottest should be avoided.Also believe the 40" size should be the minimum size for points as well.I have moved my charters for this week to Lake Erie for walleye instead. I now have 3 days next week on Chautauqua Lake then I will leave it alone till after Labor Day weekend .

Larry Jones
07-19-2012, 01:20 PM
Today I cancelled the muskie trip for the client I had today.I however did go out searching for the coolest surface water areas in the north basin. Hatfield Bay was 80.1 degrees at 7:15 am, by 11 am it was 82.3.By the time I returned to Prendergast Launch at. Noon I was seeing 83.1 degrees. I still have to take one client on Sunday, Monday, & Tuesday,will be from 5 am to. 10 am only.

Larry Jones
07-19-2012, 04:20 PM
Well mother nature is helping out with a couple days of rain,that should bring the surface water below 80 degrees.

Joe M
07-19-2012, 08:37 PM
I will be up to fish the tourney. (aka Help support the club..) I hope to get on the water tomorrow for a bit. I will be fishing the tourney during legal hrs and all day Monday and maybe tuesday. There have been boats on the water all year like every year.This is not the 1st time surface temps been this high, maybe just a little earlier then usual. I fished pa waters when it was 85/86 surface temp and caught and released fish and they were as strong as there were when I catch them in November.I think this subject is getting a little carried away. I will be fishing if the water is 90 degrees on Monday because that is a day I had planned since last year!!!!!! Just my 2 cents.....

Larry Jones
07-20-2012, 01:14 PM
Water surface temps area dropping with the rain,today at 1:15 pm Chautauqua Marina had 80.8 in the north basin compared to 83.1 I recorded from my boat yesterday before the rain.South basin was below 80 degrees most of Thursday and probably now after the rain below 78 degrees.Should be a good weekend for fishing thanks to the rain cooling the surface water.
Good Luck in the Tourney.

07-20-2012, 07:21 PM
2004's first place fishing team boated 7 fish total for the win.....only one was over 40 inches.

Larry Jones
07-22-2012, 05:45 PM
Who won,any numbers or big muskies caught?

07-23-2012, 10:26 AM
PMTT results are on the website, previous years info is on there too.

Larry Jones
07-23-2012, 01:40 PM
Frankly I did not see your name there Toothy!

07-23-2012, 09:23 PM
No................you said PMTT wasn't allowed to use fish under 40" when at Chaut., like your tourneys are now? Even your earlier tourneys you had when it was prizes not money we counted fish under 40" so I just didn't understand that thinking. As long as they weren't being hauled around I don't see a problem with a measurement for pleasure fishing or during a tourney that is all. Every Muskies Inc person is measuring every fish they catch to go towards their points.
I even measure under 30" fish to see if I catch a good number around the same size just to see if there is a group that took well during stockings. Just kind of see what's coming up for years to come. We caught 2 that were 24" on the money and also heard of another caught that was 24" all with a fin clip which is exciting.

The finals were at Chaut. in 2004 and the winners (not me) boated 7 fish and 6 were under 40" and they counted towards their winning points.
I've never fished the PMTT, yet.

I guess I don't understand what changed from then to now? That was what I was questioning, that's all.

Larry Jones
07-24-2012, 08:09 AM
Toothy I Just found out from someone who talked to Mike Clancey that he had no problem with 30" mininum for muskie tournaments.to find out how many want to see the Chautauqua Bait Fish Tourneys lower from 40" to 30" I will include a ballot with the flyer mailed out for October 6th Tourney. Even if you do not fish the tourney you can return the ballot.I made the change to 40" back when Paul McKewn was ahead of Region 9 my understanding talking with him about under size fish were to be handled as little as possible water released as quickly as possible as to do no harm to the fish.If everyone or most want to see 30" minimum size, we will do that as well.

07-24-2012, 08:58 AM
I don't know all the lengths but I think only 1 or 2 were over 40" from the past weekends event.
I would really like to see the tournament go back to Muskie Inc points. We ended up with 9 fish last weekend with the biggest being 38.5. One fish that was 39" would of beat us with the longest fish type tourney. I always felt a guy couldn't really target big fish. If you were catching then it was only a matter of time until you got a big fish. Kind of a luck of the draw deal.
I think there would be less chance of cheating too....example...if a guy heard that a 42 was caught before he turned in his slip and he got a 42" it might just get wrote down as a 42.5" By doing the total points I think there would be less chance of cheating. Plus if a guy put together a good pattern and had a good day and caught a good number of fish but no real big ones.............one guy catches a single fish 1/2" longer than his longest and he is bumped out.

Since the format has gone to the longest fish instead of the points I have only attended a few for that reason. By Muskie Inc points two of the outings I would of placed by catching 3 at one outing and 4 at another but got beat by inches not points. I figured it up by points and I would of got 2nd one time and 3rd the other. I my mind a guy who catches multi fish had a better day than a guy who caught one larger fish.

A large fish counts for alot of MI points so it is still fair to the guy who did end up catching a nice one. Takes like 3 or 4 smaller fish to beat out one 48" fish.
What do you think a 9 fish day with 38.5 being the biggest could get beat by one guy with a 39"?? Who had a better day on the water???

I think that is what your poll should be, or just chance the format. If it's okay to measure fish why not.....
Now NY has a MI club and those guys will be measuring all fish towards their muskie inc points.
You may have a better turnout at the outings too if others feel like I do towards it? I still try to come and want to fish them but I would make a bigger effort to attend if it was the other way.

Gives a better fisherman a chance over a lucky fisherman...................

What do you think?

Walleye and bass tournaments all the fish count towards the total....total weight....but would be the same as total Muskies Inc points.

07-24-2012, 09:15 AM
Maybe start a post on your site and run a poll to see what guys think?

HD Fatboy
07-24-2012, 09:35 AM
I know I am a newbie to all this, so my opinion may not matter. I really like the point system, I know there is some skill and knowledge involved in catching these fish. But catching one fish and only one fish dictates who the better fisherman is that day. I think there is a lot of luck involved to determine the winner.

Sure we can learn how to use our electronics to find schools of bait fish, and then target that area, But can you look at whats in that school of bait fish and say look! there is a 50 incher! I am going to now catch that fish so I can win this tourney! I know my knowledge is limited to most others, but I am a quick study, and I think I have an idea about trying to establish a pattern that will catch fish.

Before I got my own boat I honestly thought trolling was kind of boring and it involved no skill whatsoever compared to casting. Boy was I wrong after trying by myself to look for signs that I was even trolling in an area that may or may not yeild a fish.

I have also spent days and days trolling for 0 or 1 fish. I know others have done the same.

Well anyways just jumping in here to say I like the points system over than first place being the largest fish caught. After all in the 3 rivers event 1 50 incher would equal 25 points which would equal 5 30 inchers.

So, what are the chances of hitting that 50 incher? compared to your chances of putting together a workable pattern and catching 3 or more fish in one day?

Larry Jones
07-24-2012, 03:01 PM
Actually next years Chautauqua Bait Fish Tourneys will be NY M.I. Chapter 69 Chautauqua Tourney.So at Tomarrows NY Muskies Inc Chapter 69 meeting they can vote to use the Muskies Inc Contest Rules for. this Oct 6th and next year June 22nd Tourney.I will mail a check to Oswald Fisheries for $3000 next Monday for this years fathead minnow purchase for Prendergast Hatchery.

07-24-2012, 08:55 PM
That is great!

Thanks for the minnow update too.......can't wait to see how big this years stocking will be.

Larry Jones
07-26-2012, 09:42 AM
At last nights NY Muskies Inc Chapter 69 meeting it was decided to leave the Chautauqua Tourney Rules as they are for this October's event.Then at a later date after discussion and hopefully larger membership have a vote by early 2013.We felt it would not be fair for a small number at the first NY M.I. meeting to make a change without imput of those who have been fishing the Tourneys.So in October at the Tourney a vote will be taken from those fishing the Tourney,that vote and imput from others will be considered before NY Chapter 69 votes on 40" or 30" minimum sizelimit, using the M.I. Contest Rules point system for final winners.

07-27-2012, 08:26 AM
That is fair enough, good to wait for more opinions that fish it.

I sure hope the Muskies Inc club takes off! I'm stuck in the middle on the PA NY boarder. Too far to go to either meeting with 2+ hour drives either way.
I know PA sure has done a lot through the organization over the years. Lots of people have done a lot of hard work to make it all happen. I'm sure the club has opening doors that may have never happened without the club. Wish I was closer to be able to do more.

HD Fatboy
07-27-2012, 10:47 AM
That is fair enough, good to wait for more opinions that fish it.

I sure hope the Muskies Inc club takes off! I'm stuck in the middle on the PA NY boarder. Too far to go to either meeting with 2+ hour drives either way.
I know PA sure has done a lot through the organization over the years. Lots of people have done a lot of hard work to make it all happen. I'm sure the club has opening doors that may have never happened without the club. Wish I was closer to be able to do more.

Same here, I wish it was closer, but unfortunately not, but I try to help in other ways as I know toothy does.