View Full Version : June 26th and 27th report

Ty Sennett
06-28-2012, 05:09 AM
I had Fred Knee out on the 26th and we had a slow day but managed one low thirty inch fish on a Flowage Boa bucktial. Tough day for us but great people.

Yesterday I had Kent and Thad out in the morning and we didn't see a thing. In the afternoon I had Kent's brother Brent out and we had some figure eight trouble. Actually Brent didn't want to do a full figure eight so he developed what he called a J stroke. It's something to see. Only problem was when three fish came screaming in to eat the bait he forgot to do his famous J stroke and left the fish swimming around next to the boat looking for a bait to eat.

We had a good time making fun of the J stroke and other fine fishing qualities of Brent's but nothing in the boat. We didn't fish last night but it looked good.

Good luck,

06-29-2012, 06:11 AM
Ya know Ty......I see a trend of making fun and laughing in your boat! Remember the "Phantom Follow Guys" from Hebron Indiana? We sure had a good laugh at Bryan's Phantom Follows that day !!! Hambone & Bryan

Bill Gardner
06-29-2012, 07:15 PM
Hey, Ty.....do you know if Fred Knee grew up in Normal, Illinois?

Ty Sennett
07-08-2012, 09:30 AM
Yes he did Bill. He went to Illinois State and knew my dad pretty well. It's a small world.

Bill Gardner
07-08-2012, 11:21 AM
He must have been two years behind me at Normal Community High. His father owned the local Spudnuts shop, where I spent considerable time. Great donuts. The best ever. Checking Google, I see his dad is still alive at 100. Spudnuts must be great health food.