View Full Version : Musky Report 6/21/12

Pete Stoltman
06-21-2012, 10:28 PM
So the last couple days I've spent some time chasing muskies. I have found the daytime hours to be virtually dead. All the action during the evening and LATE. Tuesday night I caught two small muskies within probably 5 casts of each other. Those fish didn't show up until about 9:30 pm. Today I spend a good chunk of the day casting and seeing nothing, zilch, nada, the big goose egg. Got off the water for a bite to eat and then decided to give them one more shot. Whadayaknow, about 9:15 musky number one shows up. Followed kind of slow and turned off at boat side. Moved down the shoreline and just about getting to the point that I can't see anymore and here comes musky number two. This one seemed a bit more aggressive but again put the brakes on at the boat. I suspect the cool down (minor cold front?) that we experienced after the stormy day yesterday put these fish off just enough that they weren't ready to pull the trigger. The next interesting thing is that every fish I have seen or caught has come after a spinnerbait. Yes, I tried a lot of different stuff but nothing even sniffed at a surface bait, jerkbait, inline bucktail, crankbait, etc. So, I guess until I see something change it's gonna be spinnerbait city for me. Water temps on Tuesday about 71 today 69. Well we don't know unless we get out there right? See ya on da water.