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View Full Version : Fishing Report June 20

Kevin Cochran
06-20-2012, 03:14 PM
Fishing in the area has had it's ups and downs lately. The majority of the fish that have been in the boat have been caught trolling. Casting has been really hit and miss. Water temps have started to drop some with all the rain the last 4 days. Today we were at 68. Weather has played the biggest role in catching fish. Consistent weather for a few days have helped us catch fish. Cold fronts and rain storms have hurt the fishing.
We have seen alot of smaller fish still in the shallows. The larger fish can still be caught out over open water. I am sure this will change when the water temps rise.
Trolling requires work and baits should not be left in the rod holders. Take them out and pump them.
Casting topwaters early and late have shown fish but they have been pretty inactive. Casting dawgs and Dunnrights have also shown fish but as soon as they see the boat they are gone.

06-20-2012, 05:40 PM
So, you're saying give them the ole Johnson Pump! Ya, pump pump pump it up!!