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View Full Version : 6/8/12 Report

John Carlson
06-08-2012, 06:48 AM
Bluegill action has picked up again in the shallow water around any fallen trees or along shallow weed lines, Waxies, panfish worms or gulp have been all working well. The bass action is really turning on, smallies are shallow, fish any cover like rock, wood or docks with natural color tubes or jigs, I like colors that match the lakes crayfish. With the warm weekend look for the largemouth to start stacking up in the thick weeds. It's froggin time for the largies, Fishing with weedless frogs can be action packed and just wear you out. It's by far my favorite way to bag largemouth bass. The walleye are in their summer patterns, fishing deeper wood and the drops with a jig and leech or lindy rig works well. Trolling can also work well this time of year and gives you a good shot at catching scattered fish because you can cover so much more water. The musky action has been great for us and we are seeing action on every trip out, gliders and surface lures have been giving us our best action. The Dr. Evil made by a local company, Lake X Lures has been setting the water on fire for us.

06-09-2012, 12:47 PM

Thanks for the report - Coming up the 16th for a week staying in Park falls on Butternut. Mostly fishing for panfish, smallies and Pike just wondering if you have been on Cranberry this year if it is fishing good? Also wondering how the Pike fishing has been on the river in and around PF ? Also can you telling how the bugs and ticks are this year ?


John Carlson
06-13-2012, 08:27 AM
The bugs aren't to bad this year but the ticks are crazy. I really haven't heard about Cranberry much this year and have stayed clear of it so far this season because of how many people have been at the landing. The fish have been active so you should have a great trip!!!!

Mark Benson
06-13-2012, 10:34 AM

Our bugs hadn't been too bad up until last Friday night when the heat finally got a good stranglehold. The mosquitoes were pretty bad on the quiet side of the lake. Moving to the breezy side helped immensely. Without much water I would think that skeeters might not be too bad, but you never know... Hopefully that was a unique night.


John Carlson
06-13-2012, 10:49 AM

Thinking back to my last few trips I'm remembering a lot of wind!!!! LOL so that maybe why I didn't notice many bugs yet.

06-14-2012, 07:08 AM
Thanks for the insights !