View Full Version : St. Germain Area Report

Pete Stoltman
05-31-2012, 08:45 AM
Overall fishing has been good to very good in the St. Germain area. Our up and down weather which is typical for spring has made some days better than others but most days you’ll find some fish willing to cooperate.

Walleye have been moving into a fairly normal early summer pattern. I’ve been finding fish deeper during the day with 16-20 foot depths being the norm. Minnows, crawlers, and leeches are all working for live bait. Early in the day or in the evening you can try using some crankbaits like Shad Raps or Luckycraft Pointers especially on rock humps or bars. Some day time fish are locating in the weeds so don’t overlook that pattern either.

Bass are pretty much in a post spawn mode right now. Largemouth have just finished or close to it and hanging in the shallow weeds. Spinnerbaits and crankbaits should get the job done. Smallies have for the most part moved off the shallows and can be found along primary breaklines. I’ll be using those same Luckycraft Pointers in the size 78 or 100 that I’m using for walleye. It’s probably time to break out the plastics too and wacky worming is a good tactic for presenting a tempting meal for the smallies on those breaklines. Remember that bass are still in catch and release protection until mid June.

Bluegills have been spawning on some lakes so we’re nearing the end of the spring spawning cycle on our area lakes. Crappies have been reasonably active in weeds around 5-6 foot depths. You’ll find some perch there too but a little more tricky to find.
Pike are cruising the shallow weeds and a bass style spinnerbait is usually one of my “go to” lures for these guys. You’ll also have them grab any live bait presentations in the weeds. If you’re targeting bigger pike try a 7” Suick in bright colors or a Bucher Slopmaster spinnerbait.

Musky opener was labor day weekend. There were good numbers of fish caught with several upper 40” fish being reported. Haven’t heard of anyone cracking the magic 50” mark yet but it won’t be long until that happens. The extended spring we had moved the fish from a typical “small bucktail/crankbait” bite right into early summer patterns. Glider style jerkbaits like Phantoms, Hellhounds, and Mantas among others seem to be producing well. Most fish have been found shallow in warmer water and related to weeds. Don’t forget the new statewide musky size limit is 40”. Heck just let them all go and let somebody else have some fun with that fish anyway!

Mark Benson
05-31-2012, 09:22 AM
ooops, "memorial day weekend"???


Pete Stoltman
05-31-2012, 11:32 PM
Doh!!! ya got me. Yes, Memorial Day. Should have waited to write until coffee #3 was under my belt. At least I know SOMEBODY is paying attention. Thanks Mark.

Mark Benson
06-01-2012, 08:46 AM

Was just wondering if there was not enough fuel was in the tank that morning!!!
