View Full Version : Big Bay Bass

05-29-2012, 07:23 PM
I fished out of Garden Bay this past Saturday. We fished the shallows of Garden and South River Bay. Fishing was just ok as we caught a number of fish in both bays, most of the fish were caught on tubes and most fish averaged under 15 inches. Water temps were warm for this time of the year as compared to previous years. We had readings from 65 to just under 70 degrees. I'm curious if anyone has fished around the Summer Islands for bass and would you find cooler water temps there with the Islands being closer to the lake waters? There looks to be a lot of interesting bays east of the Garden Peninsula. Has anyone ever fished those waters for bass and how do you get to those waters? Thanks for your help


05-30-2012, 06:20 AM
I don't fish bass nor did I stay at a holiday inn express last night. But I can tell you water would be much cooler around summer islands. I was there on Saturday and Monday. The 7-30fow between fairport/tip of garden peninsula and big/little summer was 58-60 degrees. We fished 65-100fow off big summer and surface temps were 50-54.

05-30-2012, 07:07 PM

Thanks for the information. I have launched my boat at Fayette State Park a number of times. Is there a good boat ramp closer to Fairport? Thanks in advance to anyone that responds.
