View Full Version : Got salmon?

05-27-2012, 08:04 AM
It's game on people...

We headed over for to Fairport for the am bite and after some crossed communication wires a bit of a late start we had an AWESOME morning. Set lines, or attempted to at about 615 off the north end of summer in 90fow and it was game on til we boxed out at 915. Ended up 16/?21?, one shaker, 3 steel one of them released. Had one steelhead go 9 1/2#. Biggest king 15+, most 9-13#. They hit darn near everything but standouts were crabface rv mag on a rigger 36 down (eventually broke that one off damn!), rocket power on 10colors, green shorts 3.5 behind a braid dipsy 100 back, green slice 4.5 on a rigger. Wire took maybe 3 with a 10" watermelon SD/ green/chrome fly 85 back. The 2 color also took several hits with a small orange spoon, copper back, don't know the name. May try again tomorrow weather permitting. What a start to the season, water was flat like pudding, fish were hungry, bugs were a little bad, Frank did try inhaling a few while he was netting fish, didn't work out so well. Water was 50-54 surface, we caught fish from 65-110fow all up/down Big Summer.

05-27-2012, 08:40 AM
Very nice catch Gary, and even nicer giving the report! TY

Does anyone on here Charter for Salmon ? I have friends coming up to stay, would be 4 total...my wife love's salmon! They should be here around the 1st of June.

my Rapid River number is... 231-735-9610 (have a magic jack phone is why not 906#)

The Bait Shop Guy
05-27-2012, 10:55 AM
Thanks for the report, (and the fresh fillets you dropped off!) Sounds like you guys had a blast. We'll have to stock up on those RV Crabface Moonshines.

Here's the pic you sent me to be re-sized.

05-27-2012, 12:17 PM
WOW!!! I don't even Salmon fish, but that report sounds like a blast of good times on the water!! Sure sounds like the Salmon were a whole lot more cooperative than the walleye were yesterday. Someday I might have to look into this Salmon fishing (probably when my kids move out and I have a little more $$ to play around with). Thanx for the report Gary!

The Bait Shop Guy
05-28-2012, 07:00 PM
So, one of my buddies got to go to Alaska and fish the Kenai River for sockeyes last summer. He brought back 150 pounds of fillets! Thankfully, he's been nice enough to share the bounty with us. The last batch I cooked up, I wanted to try a different recipe. I did a google search, and found this - Broiled Sockeye Salmon with Citrus Glaze http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/broiled-sockeye-salmon-with-citrus-glaze-recipe/index.html It was super easy to make, and was really good. I had 4 pounds of fish to cook, so I doubled the recipe. I also used the zest of a lemon and an orange. The orange flavor overpowered the lemon, so just use one or the other.

Anyway, I tried this recipe with some of the fish I got from Gary last night, and it was every bit as good with Great Lakes salmon as with pacific fish! I knocked the salt down to 1 teaspoon, (seemed just a little too salty for my liking with the first batch.) Just went with an orange this time. After zesting, I peeled and sliced it thin. Put the orange slices on the pan, then the fish. You might want to lower the pan in the oven another couple inches more than what they call for, (broiling something with sugar that close to the heating element will result in a lot of smoke.)

Give it a try. I think you'll like it.

06-08-2012, 01:39 PM
Went back over yesterday and fished east of poverty island 90-130fow, 9/16, 6 teenagers, largest 18.5#, all kings. Crabface rv mag did the most damage taking 7 strikes. This thing is hot, has accounted for about 40% of all my hits, and I've only had one of them among a 7-9 rod spread. Remedied that today picking up 2 more, which means I'll probably lose one soon. 300' copper and 200 were decent, divers were good for about 90 minutes taking hits on a flasher fly on wire and a green shorts MS 3.5" behind a braided diver. Riggers were fished at 60+80 down, divers 100-150 (mags).

In 3 trips over there this year we've boated 36 fish. Unreal. Better get some! Let's hope it lasts.