View Full Version : May 24th and 25th fishing report

Ty Sennett
05-26-2012, 12:06 PM
I had a four hour trip in the morning on the 24th and then an eight hour trip after that with a different group.

In the morning we fished about half an hour and then got stormed off. We caught a couple pike and one nice walleye about 18 inches. We threw it back.

In the afternoon I had Stu and Andy out and we fished for bass and walleye. The storm really screwed us up as the bass were definitely not hitting and niether were the walelye. We did however have a three hour dinner break because of the lightning. We only ended up with one walleye just under twenty inches. We threw that one back.

On the 25th I had Woody and his wife Tamara out for pike and Bass. We caught some pike, we meaning Tamara and I(sorry Woody), but had a tough time getting any bass. We finally started getting some bass out a little deeper in the 6-9 foot depth with rattle traps at the last spot. Most of the bass that were shallow moved out after the storm the day before. We had a great time. I think Woody was outfished 2 to 1 by his wife which made for some great harrassing.

Last night I went out for a couple hours with friends and tried some largemouth fishing. The friend I had out is one of the best bass guys I know and we still didn't do that great. We caught about twenty which sounds great but it wasn't. We switched to walleye at dark and did very well. We ended up with three mid-twenty inch fish and some other good eating sized ones. We kept a couple smaller ones in the 17-18 inch range and let the rest go. Man, those walleye are stocky out here. Good times.