View Full Version : Fairport salmon...........

05-16-2012, 07:17 PM
I was in Fairport this afternoon visiting my brother and was on my way home when I met the DNR fish stocking truck so I turned around and followed it to the dock at the end of the road. He was backing down the dock so I got out to talk to him. He said he was unloading 20,000 4" King Salmon. I watched him as I have never seen it done before and it didn't take long to unload them. He said they would hang around for maybe a couple days and would then head to deep water. He also said they would return in four years fully mature. If they do well they could come back in three years. Just thought I'd pass this along. There was only two that were picked up by seagulls and they were almost belly up when they came off the truck. Oh ya...He said he also dumped some at the launch at the Forn River.