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View Full Version : Farewell Number 1 - Live long and prosper - Jordan Hansen retires.

Justin Gaudry
05-10-2012, 09:47 PM
After 5 full seasons and 2 weeks of this spring, Jorden Hansen turned in his keys and officially retired tonight (May 10, 2012) from his position as my right (and left) hand man.

Jordan was with me longer than any other "dock guy" I've ever had here at the resort. He has set the bar unreachably high for anyone coming after him.

Jordan was Commander Riker to my Captain Picard. The last couple of years I was able to leave "the Bridge" in his capable hands so that I could go on away missions on the lake for half a day at a time (funny that these missions only seemed to occur during muskie season, eh?)

Congratulations on the taking the first step in your engineering career when you begin a summer position with Ontario Power Generation next week.

I'll look forward to seeing you around the lake on weekends from time to time this summer so we can get in the Pooh Boat and chase muskies.

It's been a privilege having you on board. Thank you doesn't begin to cover the appreciation I have for your hard work.

I love ya, Bro!