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View Full Version : My aching back

05-06-2012, 10:55 AM
A new season begins and once again I face my ongoing problem with an aching back. I start the day just fine then after about 2 hours my back starts to ache. I have to sit for awhile and can then fish again for 20 munites or so and on it goes. Length of the pole does not seem to matter. I've wondered if one of those seats that you can rest your rear against would help? But i do not know what these are called? I've looked around and do not see them at my local haunts. Even looked in Cabella catalog... if there I do not see it. This sure takes away some of the fun fishing. Can anyone offer some advise?

05-08-2012, 10:38 AM
As a fisherman with back problems I have a few suggestions.Try elevating one foot when you're standing, put it on a higher spot such as a tackle box,bait bucket etc.....Switch feet every so often.Another one is stretching,bend over at the waist and let your arms hang down-hold this position for 30 sec. and repeat 5 x.Many others available just ask-good luck.

the fishermans back medic

05-30-2012, 03:51 AM
I have had had back problems for years and just had a major lumbar fusion in January. I am not able to stand for very long and my balance is unsure. So what I did was to take a solid, heavy duty plastic lawn chair, and mount the legs on 1"x2" piece of wood. I fish from the rear deck, and the chair will slide some if I need to move a little, but the best thing is that I can get close to the edge of the boat to figure 8 on each cast! Now I can stay out for hours!

07-09-2012, 09:25 AM
you need a stand up or high rise pedestal, and a pedestal seat. Look again, Cabelas has several to choose from. I actually will put my pedestal in the back of the boat for rough water rides - you stand up and your knees and ankles can absorb the shock easily. Keeping you knees lower than your hips when in sitting will also encourage a neutral spine posture - a good thing, vs. the rounded - out posture of lumbar flexion that the seats in a boat will typically encourage. Utilizing the stand up pedestal does this automatically, just remember not to lean back on it and slump or round out your lower back.

polar kraft guy
07-31-2012, 10:40 PM
I do flooring and we insall the rubber workout matts for a lot of people,they say it helps when standing all day,you can buy them at sporting stores,they are 12x12 and interlock,might be worth trying on the casting platforms,they are 1/2 inch thick and reasonably priced,just an idea,hope u find something to help. Rikki