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View Full Version : Milwaukee May 5th

05-05-2012, 09:20 PM
I slept on the boat Friday night listening to the wind, rocking back and forth hoping the weather forecast was right. Woke up at 5:00 and checked Lake-Links and saw the winds were down to 5 mph. However the heater drowned out the sound of the rain. I was shocked when I checked the radar since last I heard was a slight chance of showers. We waited out the rain until 7:00 and then heaeded NE out of the south gap to 50' and then trolled towards the green can. Ended up 4 for 8 including a shaker. Most of the fish and the hits came in 50-55' just north of the green can. The wind and waves made it difficult to control the boat, but most of the hits we had were screamers. The set ups that took hits included: --Downrigger set at 35 with cracked ice PK mag took a 14 lb king. --5 color with green NBK took 16 lb king that nearly emptied the spool before we got it in after a 20 minute battle. We also lost 2 other screamers on that one. --Blue fly and white dodger on SWR downrigger down 35' took a 8 lb king --Lost a screamer on a double purple spook on 8 color. --An orange rapala had a king around 8-10 lbs that was almost in the boat until the netman caught a hook in the net and released the fish. --A wonderbread spoon on 8 color landed the shaker that was DOA after being dragged for an extended period. No hits on the dipseys today nor any hits on the Brad's cutbaits. Tried to maintain a speed of 1.9 on depth raider, but it was tough with the waves. Overall not a bad first trip.