View Full Version : Line Question

04-05-2012, 08:06 PM

Looking for some advice on line. Last year threw Power Pro 65# and 80# and was okay except for getting green hands! What do you throw and recommend? I am mainly fishing Bucktails, Jerkbaits, Topwater and occasionally tubes at the dams.

Thanks for any help and advice.


04-06-2012, 11:00 AM
I've used fireline, power pro,strens sonic braid, and was using spiderwires stealth until spiderwire came out with the ultracast braid.I love the ultracast and have been using it in 50 and 80lb for muskie and 30lb for northern for the last 4 seasons and it is by far my favorite. Russ

04-06-2012, 01:31 PM
I have been using 80# Cortland Masterbraid in green and bronzeback and it's a fantastic line. Never had issues with it and use it for everything.

Ty Sennett
04-08-2012, 07:16 AM
I throw the same stuff Makins does. The Cortland Masterbraid in 80#. I use 130# (I think it is anyway) for suckers. The last thing you want is to break line with a sucker rig.

That Masterbraid is smooth and strong. I've never had trouble with it so why switch?