View Full Version : "The Walleyemaxx System"

03-20-2012, 11:35 AM
Hi everyone,

Now that ice fishing is done untill next winter, it's time to order your copy of "The Walleyemaxx System" so you can read and absorb all the important info before you put your boat in the water for this year.

"The Walleyemaxx System" is an easy to understand, practical system of fishing that employs 4 different methods,often 2, or more at the same time to put fish in the boat. I explain in complete detail how to rig up the different rods for each method, such as how to rig up your slip bobber rod,jigging rod,drifting rigs, and how I rig up my crankbait rods.

I also explain how to pattern walleyes for Spring, Summer, and Fall. There is a method to my madness. I hook my live baits different from most people ad I explain with pictures exactly how and why. I have many different search methods to find and stay on top of the walleyes once found. Boat control is vitally important and I explain an easy way to maintain boat control.

"The Walleyemaxx System" is a combination of boat setup, electronics, lake structure, fishing methods and tricks and tactics learned during a lifetime of fishing. Keeping up with walleye,bass,northern,and musky seasonal locational patterns is a fun and rewarding experience.

Below are pictures of many clients from last year with smilling faces holding lots of fish. "The Walleyemaxx System" is what I use when I guide. It works! To order your copy, click http://www.walleyemaxx.com/pages/the-walleyemaxx-system-book.php. thank you. Good luck fishing everyone.


04-15-2012, 02:30 PM
Hi everyone,

Got a call yesrterday from Jim D of Janesville WI.. He just recieved his book in the mail and told me he was just going to skim over it and read it later. He said he got so intested in the information, he kept reading it untill he was done. He said he was so impressed in the book, that he read it again. He was again impressed with "The Walleyemaxx System". So much so that he gave me a call. We talked for a long time and I found out that Jim is an experienced fisherman with many years of catching fish under his belt. He said even though he has fished all species of fish for many years, he still learned a lot from my book. He pointed out a lot of things that he had read and told me how impressed he was.

That is precisely why I wrote "The Walleyemaxx System". To help people catch more fish. I've been lucky enough to fish all my life and I've learned a lot over that time. I quess I have a desire to share what I know about fishing with everyone. That is why I guide. It is very rewarding to see the delight and joy in peoples faces as they catch fish. I know that everyone will learn something from "The Walleyemaxx System". From the beginner to the old seasoned veterns like Jim D from Janesville WI. Good luck fishing everyone.


09-12-2012, 11:48 AM
Hi everyone,

Here are some more pictures of fish caught using "The Walleyemaxx System". These were all caught this year by myself and my clients. Order your copy of my book today and get in on the action. http://www.walleyemaxx.com/pages/the-walleyemaxx-system-book.php. Thanks. Good luck fishing everyone.


11-30-2012, 11:09 AM
Hi everyone,

Christmas is approaching fast. My book "THE WALLEYEMAXX SYSTEM" makes a great stocking stuffer. Go to http://www.walleyemaxx.com/pages/the-walleyemaxx-system-book.php to order your copy today. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE.
