View Full Version : Last Night at the meat hole

03-09-2012, 10:01 AM
My report from last night is normal, 0 Fish.
Do not plan your week end around that news as Al Linder's fat brother I'm not.

Fished the "Meat Hole" off Gladstone Harbor, stayed away from the line of "real" fisherman trying different depths. My Hummingbird marked no fish (or Hummingbirds for that matter) in 16 fow, 29 fow, and 21 fow.

The ice report is what may be of value to you tho...
The 6" of recent snow has turned to slush, half frozen again. Drove the 4X4 quad, would not try a 2 wheel drive as it rides on top for a while then breaks through the 6", and my tires kind of pushed the 1/2 frozen slush.

As of last night there still seemed to be 10 to 12" of good ice under the slush, exclamation on seemed. Do not know how much erosion of under ice from current has taken place.


There I stood, draped in more equipment than an IBM Copier repairman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a dried pea, and got my a$$ kicked in the process. (Again)

to the real fisherman who post the tips and tricks, thanks! its nice to hear when an ice fisherman catches something other than ice...

03-09-2012, 11:59 AM
Don't feel like the Lone Ranger. I'm in the same boat.

03-09-2012, 12:47 PM
The "meat hole" seems to be drying up. Fished last Sunday, marked 12. Monday, marked 6, Tuesday, marked only 3. Got one legal each night and marked no big fish. From watching other fishermen, it seemed that they were all having the same luck. I wonder if the eye's are moving up the bay towards the rivers to spawn. PS. the three I got were all males.