View Full Version : IceGator ???

02-22-2012, 04:06 PM
Anyone use the Icegator electric auger yet ? seen some videos of them and they look awesome !!!

02-24-2012, 11:59 AM
I run one and they are pretty nice. We get a good bit less ice down here than you do (NONE THIS YEAR) but I've had no problems drilling 30+ holes in 14" of ice in a day with out a weakening of the battery in years past. I have no idea how many holes it would punch in a trip on thicker ice like you folks typically get but when you run down an electric your done until you can recharge, but when you run out a gas unit you just fill er up. I was up at Mille Lacs in Minnesota earlier this week and punched a half dozen holes in 24" if ice with no problem and as quick as a gas unit. I primarily purchased mine for two reasons, one being a few of the lakes I fish here prohibit gas motors in the summer as well as gas augers on the ice, and several lakes I fish are rather populated and I don't want to be that guy blasting holes at 5am on a Sunday morning 50 yards from a house full of sleeping residents with a screaming two stroke gas auger. I try to be a little more considerate than that. As much as I like my Ice Gator if I lived in a northern region I may opt for a gas unit, it is really hard to say. It would be nice not to have to worry about running down an electric unit, but it is also nice not having to worry about starting a gas unit. Just a few thoughts.

02-24-2012, 12:03 PM
Sounds awesome !! Thanks for reply ,,,Have a nice day !! Skeeter