View Full Version : February 20th and 21st report

Ty Sennett
02-22-2012, 09:27 AM
On the 20th I went out with a couple guys from Hayward Power Sports. We got out there right at sundown and the spot where we had done really good had gone really bad. All of the fish were just below the ice. Not a good sign for that spot. Low oxygen levels make them do that. It's a little bay with no water inlets so that's the reason for the low oxygen. Looks like that spot is done for the winter. We caught some but overall it was terrible.

Yesterday was different. I went out with Mark Cain and his buddy and we crushed the crappie. Most were in the 10 to 11 inch range. We threw back some bigger ones and kept our limit of good eaters. They were flying up to eat our lures. They were acting like perch the way they were hitting. All we had to do was drop it to the bottom and start reeling. The weird thing was that you couldn't see anything on your vexilar but every time you dropped the lure to the bottom and started reeling they just showed up. If you just held it there and jigged it they wouldn't hit. Thankfully we had the ice shack because it was flat out nasty out yesterday. We tried hole hopping a few times but it was pointless. Most of the fish came on plastics and glow jigs durning the afternoon but at dark minnows and waxworms were the ticket. We caught them anywhere from 16 to 26 feet of water.

02-22-2012, 10:32 PM
Are some of the crappie just hanging out in, umm, open water ? (Seems kind of odd to say open water with ice, but I hope you get my, ahhh, drift. haha)

Ty Sennett
02-26-2012, 11:41 AM
Yep, they are relating more to a certain depth range than actual structure.

02-28-2012, 10:51 PM
Ty, when you are in your ice shack, can you actually see down into the water a little ways ? I had this hut once, and if it was real dark in there, I swear I could see down a ways. Made it challenging to put some tiny, tiny larva on an even smaller hook, but hey, it was entertaining to me.

Ty Sennett
02-29-2012, 09:32 AM
Most of the time I am outside the shack but if you are inside you can see down about five feet on the west side pretty easy and about five inches on the east side. Ok, that might be a slight overestimate.