View Full Version : Landing Conditions

02-22-2012, 08:52 AM
I'm coming up with a group friday night for a three day weekend of fishing. I was up a few weeks ago and the ice conditions were good when driving off the Vagabond. We prefer using trucks but will be bringing a 4-wheeler just in case. Can anyone comment as to the condition of the Vagabond landing as well as Kipling/yellow gates. We mostly fish the deep portion of the upper bay along the east edge, but I want to save the drive around if I can.

Please advise.

Wally Eye (aka Sassa Frass)

02-22-2012, 09:34 AM
Should be ok it was last weekend I think you would be better off driving around. I have been going off the yellow gate all year and only cross the crack on the wheeler still drive on the wooden bridge there. the 1 time we skiped it my bud went through with his ride. Drive around or you will hire someone to fish for your truck Big $$$ from what I hear.

02-22-2012, 04:57 PM
rode by Kipling today, pick ups on ice, shore ice is good... I live on the bay in front of Strawberry Island, (Rapid River Ramp area) snow machines all over, but have not seen a truck go out from there...
good luck

02-22-2012, 10:45 PM
was out tuesday, off vagabond.ice was good,18inches everywhere we fished in upper bay.landing a little rutted up but seen worse.was out in my outback with no problem.the hill at vagabond a little icey but drove up,no slipping.if you go north from the landing stay closer to east shore as a pressure ridge is piled up to the west.good luck as we did'nt have much

02-23-2012, 10:04 AM
Iheard that they were getting across the pressure ridge off the days river yellow gate. did you notice any trucks coming from that way? any info would be appreciated.

The Bait Shop Guy
02-23-2012, 11:22 PM
Unless you plan on fishing shallow water, (west of the heave,) the only good access for trucks on the upper bay is the Vagabond. If you drove any distance to get here, what difference will another 8 to 10 miles make?

02-24-2012, 07:54 AM
Thanks for all the good information. You've all confirmed what I kinda already figured. We'll plan on driving around to the Vagabond to get on the lake and around the heaves. I had a buddy that was up with a few other guys that said they were fishing the lower bay (wouldn't say where) and they had (9) walleyes all between 26-31". The only things he would tell me were 1) lower bay 2) go shallow 3) get away from everyone 4) BIG SUCKERS!!!

See you in a few hours!!!

02-24-2012, 08:59 PM
We fished last weekend off days river access. Ice heave is a monster. We were able to walk across it but still got wet. We were at the northern most point of the heave. We did see someone pull a wheeled shack over the heave with a side by side orv but VERY rough going. I would drive around.