View Full Version : Updated " Calendar of Events"

02-12-2012, 11:20 AM
I just wanted to let you guys know that we changed programs for the " Outdoors 911 Calendar of Events (http://www.outdoors911.com/reports/calendar.php) " as well as I have personally checked each & every listing in there to verify all data & events listed are accurate. It is now set up so any registered forum member can add their own event to the calendar instead of the old system which required members to send us the info to post for them, Now you can make a one time entry to the calendar & then you could simply post a reminder on your thread with a link to the calendar post with all the details as the event gets closer.. We will also be streaming & sharing calendar events across our corresponding Social Networking properties, such as facebook, twitter, google+, blogs, websites & portals for maximum exposure to the general public.. We encourage you to utilize this updated feature to generate more interest in your event & help draw higher attendance.
If you have any questions or need help posting an event, as well as any other questions, help or suggestions for the forum feel free to message me & I will be glad to help you out. I would also like to thank everyone, especially those who contribute to this forum on a regular basis for keeping this forum running smooth & all the great content you provide, you guys really make my job easy by keeping this place civil & drama free, Altho I'm always in here, the fact that I don't have to babysit every user & post for spam or troublemakers frees up my time to work on improvements to the board, driving in more traffic & other productive projects across our network.

Thanks Again,
Rich Giannoni
Forum Administrator
Social Network & Marketing Strategist
Outdoor Network / Adventure North