View Full Version : kates bay

02-07-2012, 01:41 PM
Can anyone tell me what the ice conditions are and is it driveable planning a trip there tmr or next day how has the fishing been there? Ty for the info

02-07-2012, 03:20 PM
I fished Kates bay saturday ice was very good trucks driving all over, thats about the only good news I have! the fishing was slow for keepers anyway. I caught alot of perch but were all on the small side, talked to a few others that said the same thing. The thing with Kates Bay is there is no structure but lots of schools of perch, so you kinda just gotta pick a spot and hope the schools come through!!


02-09-2012, 10:55 PM
Me and a buddy made our first trip to BBDN today....fished 20 fow caught well over 50 perch and took home 28 keepers between the two of us. It didn't matter what was in the water....when they came in they hammered whatever was down there. thanks Ranger from Garden Sport shop for filling us in!

Also figured id share a experience that happened to us while we were there....... Mid afternoon a little pickup truck out of nowhere drove up to us and a very intoxicated woman comes up to our window and asks us how we are doing and who's all in our. shack and where are we from etc. So we talk to her and tell her who we are and where were from etc. She goes back to the truck and a guy jumps out of the drivers side and walks up to the window of the shack and starts asking us where ya from? Nobody else down here with ya? You guys never been here? Blah blah. Next he asks where's the door to the shack..how do I get in there? I blew it off....he asked me again where's the door? How do I come in there? Can I come in? I look at the guy and say you ain't coming in here we don't even know ya! LoL. He actually asked us 3 times how to get in my shack! After I told him no way he continued a little small talk and said good luck and walked back to his truck and got in and started talking to the gal in the truck. They spent a couple minutes hesitating if there going or what...he puts the truck in gear and goes about 20 feet and stops again for another minute or so and finally took off. I didn't mention that this guy was on some serious drugs..looked to me like a crackhead or meth head! And also the whole time he was talking to us he had his hands in his front hoodie pocket. There's not a doubt in my mind this guy was up to no good and was gonna try to Rob us or something. He scared the shit out of us! There's not a doubt in my mind I could of beat this guys ass in a fist fight but wasn't about to try anything not knowing if he had a gun or what? Pretty sure his truck was a dark colored old ford ranger.....figured id share this story and give a heads up to everyone about this dirt ball! Like I said...there's not a doubt in my mind he was up to no good! I think if I would of let him in my shack it wouldn't of been good

02-10-2012, 11:09 AM
WOW, Isn't that the area where the guy got run over?
By the way, did they catch the guy?
Makes a guy want to get a concealed weapons permit!

Benzie Rover
02-10-2012, 11:52 AM
Places like the Garden peninsula attract all sorts of folks... the ones the actually live in such remote locals are there for a reason. Most are good folk. Very good folk actually, do anything for you, etc... We've been helped many times on BBDN by very good dudes. Old Bill from porcupine point was one of the most interesting creatures I've yet to meet... and low and behold, one day we come back from checking tip-ups and find a loaf of homemade bread and home made beef brisket just sitting on the kitchen table of our hunting camp... come to find out it was Bill paying us back for the 3 Strohs from the day before out on the ice when we first met him... sure, a bit odd that he just walked in and put it there, but, he was a bit odd after all... and the bread was awesome!

But, you'll also find a certain contingent that is out there because they want to run the world by their rules with out regard to anything or anyone else. They are often reckless as all get-out and become very dangerous when intoxicated... luckily, we've never had run-in yet, but we are also in groups of 5-8 ppl typically as well. We've heard of several encounters though and I can say it is not the place to try and prove whose the bigger man, cause, even if you are physically, chances are you have MUCH more to loose than that toothless mouth-breather ever had and he will fight like it. When they show their IQ, just try and let it go and do not provoke. Keeping calm like you did is the best possible course. Sounds like you're response to keep them out was a good one and I'm sure you had your other hand on the spud ready to adjust his mandible if really tried coming in.

just my .02

02-10-2012, 12:31 PM
And some people say you don't need to carry in the UP. If you're always armed, you'll never wish you'd brought it with you.

I think your instincts were right on about his intentions. He was screening you, long ways from home,prob doesn't know anyone around here, perfect, he's thinking. If you'd said you were from Illinois he'd probably started drooling.

P.s. that area hasn't been dubbed Hazard County for no reason.

Good job on the fish, BTW.

02-10-2012, 09:20 PM
P.s. that area hasn't been dubbed Hazard County for no reason.

You people make it seem like everyone should be scared to come down here or all of you should carry a handgun. WTF!!!!
This place isn't any different than any other place. It pisses me off the way you think of the Garden Peninsula.
We have a GREAT place down here..............


02-11-2012, 11:20 AM
I totally agree with you 100% Tomjohn, I dont understand it!!! I have spent alot of time in Garden over the years and there is alot of great people there, to be honest I cannot remember one bad experience whether it be in one of the taverns, fishing salmon in fairport, or ice fishing I always meet great people!!!


02-11-2012, 01:47 PM
Fact is .....YOU have a history over the years......which won't just go away. TRUTH is there are lots of great people on the Garden Penninsula!!!

02-11-2012, 02:27 PM
The way people talk about the Garden Peninsula and the few bad apples that EVERY town has seems to always get the attention of the press and radio. Other towns and villages are just like us.

02-11-2012, 03:22 PM
Bad publicity keeps people away from our fishing hotspots????

I have spent 3-4 weeks a year on BBDN for the last 20 years. I have never had a problem with anyone from the Garden Area.

Back to the Kates Bay topic. How is the ice travel now? Any new snow??

02-11-2012, 03:30 PM
Tomjohn, I think you may have misunderstood my refernce. Dont think hazard=dangerous, think Hazard as in old tv shows :-) Maybe you're too young for that reference i dont know.
I didn't come up with it, i heard it from another, but it seems to fit.

I understand there's lots of good people in and around Garden, but there's also some history there and a person could argue it's not like other small towns.

02-11-2012, 05:39 PM
Well I guess that makes us unique...........

And I do remember. I'm 58.

02-11-2012, 07:54 PM
Sorry if I stirred up a can of worms...lol. what happened I guess could of happened anywhere...just so happenly it was in Garden. I love the outlaw last of the land of the free feeling I get when im in fairport in the summer.....usually there's a 12 guage in the cabin of the boat though! LoL