View Full Version : Perch?

02-01-2012, 04:16 PM
Hey i was just wondering if anyone could point in a direction to catch some perch. I dont care if they are big or not i am taking my 3 year old out with me and just want to catch something. He does not care if its a 3 inch or 12 inch I just want him to catch some fish he has been bugging all winter to take him out, i usually go for walleye so im not really sure where to go for perch. I will be walking out too so anywhere in walking distance would be great. Thanks for any info.

02-01-2012, 05:47 PM
Drive up to "cowboy Lake" with some wax worms or Mousies, with a smallish blood red jig...gills and crappies are 1 to 2 foot off bottom now, your more likely to show him some fish. I talked to a few guys that fished hard from daylight till whenever on little bay, for just a couple perch. 3 yr. old will have more fun just to catch something. Also call Chris at Bay Shore Bait for current bite news. Luck my friend...Mike

02-01-2012, 06:22 PM
Thanks for the info I might have to go there.

IM MuskyTime
02-01-2012, 08:19 PM
Just posted about the perch in Lake Antoine in Iron Mountain. I don't usually say much about our inland lakes, but feel free to perch away out there. Guarantee you'll get some. Waxies, spikes or wigglers on a small tear drop and get it down just off the bottom. There are a zillion in there and if your little guy wants to keep his limit of 4-6 inchers it won't hurt the fishery. Parking is easy in front of Lake Antoine park on the County side at the boat launch. Ice is great and you can either walk or follow the plowed path out with your vehicle to the area where we had Jig It 2 weeks ago. Right in front of the beach area.

That's about as specific as I'll ever get on a fishing spot, but they are there to be had for someone wanting action. Lots of room out there, so just be courteous and don't set up right next to a shack---I know that probably goes without saying, but figured I'd better put it in to cover my tail just in case! Good luck;)