View Full Version : Weeds!!????

Waldo E
01-24-2012, 08:33 PM
When I first started fishing on LBDN we had our honeyhole on the north end of the bay. We would drill our holes, lay down on the ice and look to see if there were weeds directly below the hole. If there was we would just drill another hole and eventually would find a good hole, and stick with it for the entire weekend. A few years ago we went to the "honeyhole" in early january drilled several holes and yup there the weeds were but they were all laying flat to the bottom. From that day the fishing in that area has been poor to say the least. Anyone have any theories or comments about this?

01-25-2012, 09:41 AM
Weeds are a lot like us, they eventually stop growing and someday they too will lay down to rest. RIP weeds. check back in summer I'm sure new ones will be born