View Full Version : Sat Night

01-22-2012, 10:15 PM
Fished the last few hrs sat night with my pops out from the yacht club in Gladstone with strange luck. Marked a few fish but no takers, but just after dark packing up while walking twords one of my tipups i noticed the flag was up. When i got to it alot of line was pulled out and ALOT of weight on the other end. I couldnt even budge it at first. I fought the fish for 15 plus min, gaining a little bit hear and there. Finally I started to gain on him and it was ready to come up. I was thinking of a large walleye or pike ? I made the joke of it being something out of the ordinary like a brown or splake or even a sturgeon. Lone be hold it turned out to be a 45 + in / 25+ lb sturgeon. I Couldnt believe it, he just barely squeezed thru the hole. I landed it held it and kissed it on the head then squeezed him back thru the hole and into the water. An unexpected fight and night i will never forget. I only wish i had a camera, but never remember to bring one, especially on the ice.

Believe me or not, its was a great night just to land a rare fish like that.

01-23-2012, 06:50 AM
Congratulations and thanks for returning a great fish to the Bay. And a big thanks for sharing the story!

01-23-2012, 09:20 AM
wow great story. Congrats!!

randy&maryjo troll jig pitchers
01-23-2012, 09:32 AM
Mj and I were on the east bank near the net stakes and watched two guys battle one for 1 hr---got to egde of boat and he flaged me over to take pictures for him--must have been 5 ft long---released nicely---guy said he would send me some pics but never did

01-25-2012, 12:12 PM
Congrats! Awesome fish, that's funny because I was fishing in the same area Saturday and fought a heavy fish for probably 10-15 min on a tip up around 1 pm before it finally broke my line. I assumed it was a big pike but my buddy and I joked about it possibly being a sturgeon. It didn't have a line in it's mouth did it!!! :-) congrats again fish of a life time