View Full Version : Three River Muskies Inc Tournament Schedule 2012

allegheny river kid
01-07-2012, 01:45 PM
Pymatumaning Lake May 19th. Sign up at the May Muskies Inc meeting or the day of the tournament at Jamestown Launch from 6:30 to 7:30 am. Tournament will begin at 8am sharp and be over at 4pm, release slips must be turned in by 5pm sharp for final tournament decision.

Chautauqua lake Team Tourny July 21st & 22nd. Sign up at the July Muskies Inc meeting or the 21st at Pendergrast Launch from 6:30 to 7:30am. Tournament will run from 8am to 8pm Saturday the 21st and from 7am til 2pm sunday the 22nd. Release forms must be in by 3pm Sunday for final tournament decision.

Allegheny River pools 6,7, & 8 September 15th Sign up location undetermined at present, sign up will be held from 6:30 am til 7:30am. Tournament will run from 8am til 4pm and release slips turned in by 5pm for final decision.

Lake Arthur October 20th. Sign up at the October Muskies Inc meeting or on Saturday the 20th from 6:30 to 7:30am at the Rt. 528 boat launch. Tourney will run from 8am to 5pm Saturday and from 8am til 2pm Sunday. Release forms to be turned in by 3pm Sunday.

$25 entry fee for members with optional $5 50" pot. Currently $625 in the pot

$35 entry fee for non members, not eligible for "50 pot

Also a 50/50 raffle will be held at the final weigh in of each tournament, with proceeds going to Three Rivers Muskies Inc.

Also, at the Feburary Three Rivers meeting there will be a vote on wether the 3 rod per person will be adopted for the Chautuaqua and Lake Arthur tournament. Currently the tournaments are run with 2 rods per person or a total of 4 rods per team for the Chautaqua Tourney. I've decided to leave this up to a vote. If possible please voice your concerns if you are able to attend the meeting or by contacting me.

Any questions or comments please feel free to email me at jlmo422@hotmail.com or call me at #724-859-3386
Joel Morrow
Three River Tournament director 2012

01-08-2012, 04:10 PM

A new location, that is cool, I always wanted to fish the lock areas and now I have a reason too!!!
September was always the Kinzua outing with very little turnout. We tried to have it when the stocking was so the guys could do both while they were here, this year it didn't get stocked then the outing kind of got dropped too. It's such a beautiful area to fish compared to most all the other lakes, I wish we could get it going again. This year sure didn't help.

Sorry, got sidetracked there.............nice job with a new location for something different!!!

01-08-2012, 10:49 PM
Sorry to hi-jack, but is there an udated site for TRM Inc. I would like to attend a meeting and see what it's about?



01-09-2012, 08:44 AM

The website for Three Rivers Muskies Inc is not kept up to date very well. The meetings are always the second Monday of every month (there is one tonight) at the Northside Sportsman's Club in Cranberry/Warrendale. I think the board meetings start at 6:30 and the general meetings start at 7:30.


01-09-2012, 12:57 PM
Thank you.


allegheny river kid
01-09-2012, 05:55 PM
Thanks Frank, i was approached last summer about getting a tournament together on the river since theres a fair amount of guys that fish the river and since i'm very local to Lower Allegheny. Were hoping we can drum up some new members and spread the word about the club a little at the same time. The timeframe was fairly limited with the other tournaments and September was the only feasible month to do it, mainly because recreational boating traffic would be fairly heavy the other months that were available. Hopefully it will have a fair turnout and we can continue it in the future.


01-09-2012, 07:25 PM
I've never even been in that area before, I take it that you are using 3 pools to give more area to fish? Is that a big area?
Your thoughts on maybe gaining some members and spreading the word is a good idea.

allegheny river kid
01-10-2012, 05:51 PM
Yeah its mainly to open more room for people. The three pools consist of roughly 20 miles of river and 3000+ acres of water. Also if people want to jump around from pool to pool they have the option throughout the day.

allegheny river kid
02-22-2012, 05:42 AM
The vote was taken at the feburary muskies inc. meeting on the 3 rods, the vote was unanimous for the use of 3 rods during our tournaments. Also we decided on dropping the lake arthur tourney from a 2 day event to a 1 day event. We will see how this works this year, and may switch back to a 2 day next year if it causes too many problems.

02-22-2012, 06:26 AM
I like the 1 day Authur tourney idea, if I don't have anything else going on I'll make that one for sure. For me to travel that far, get a room, and pay for the tourney I normally skip it. I konw it's kind of home lake for most the guys in the club.

02-22-2012, 08:31 AM
I'm surprised because of the boundary water thing, but we can use 3 rods at Pymatuning this year also.