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View Full Version : Dane County lake management sucks!

01-06-2012, 08:14 PM
A lot of the lake is open, as is Gov. Nelson. Problem is the lake is so low there's no way to launch a boat you couldn't handle by hand (being able to lift it). Warner launch is iced over, I didn't go by Tenney since even if it was open, which it probably isn't, it's also too shallow to safely get the boat off or back on the trailer. University Bay has ice, didn't make the trip to Marshall but I'd be surprised if it or Spring Harbor were open. The county park is also so shallow it's useless. Anyone been by the landing by Capt. Bills? In short, thanks to the fantastic job done by Dane County in managing lake levels the vast majority of us are screwed out of lake access. The incompetency of Dane county will become even more obvious when they TRY to get their new VHF trunked radio system up and running by the end of this year, but that's another story! Rick

01-13-2012, 11:03 AM

At the YFC meeting Tuesday night the topic of the lake level came up. We had three speakers from the county, I don't recall the names of the three guys who attended. Whent he question came up about the lake level, they were anticipating it, they pulled out a handbook and made it clear that Mendota was 4" above the winter pool minimum and that they were going to shut things down in terms of letting water out so that the other lakes in the chain could draw down more. The said that most of the concerns we have at the landings are due to silt shifting around the lake basin. Kind of weird that it is happening at every boat landing I have been to but that was what I took away from their comments on lake levels.

Most of the conversation at the meeting concerned the county run boat landings and how the funding for them is handled. I pushed them pretty hard about the conditions of the landings I use the most down on Waubesa. I give them credit for showing up and clearing the air a little.


01-14-2012, 11:20 AM
They went to another club/meeting a short while back also (think Kevin O'Connor was one of the people) and addressed the same concerns. Right now Mendota's level is at 848.57', minimum winter level is at 848.2', so yes, they can draw Mendota down a little over 4", and per written statements by Kevin they planned on drawing it down the remaining 4". Yes, the launches do fill in with silt, which is my major point. Lake levels are supposed to be maintained so EVERYONE can use the lakes, protect property & shorelines, fish management, etc. The DNR has complained to the county for years, to no avail. Top level DNR staff won't legally push to fine the county for low levels (that affect spawning for example - i.e. northerns cannot get into marshes to spawn because levels are too low). There are documents online that go through all the laws and goals of lake management levels (see below). Dane County's current lake level management protocols are to have the lake levels at minimum winter limits. What happens if there's minimum snow this year or a dry spring, where's the water going to come from the bring lake levels back up to minimum summer levels? Since Mendota is the key player here they'd have to minimize water flow out of it so they could build it back up, which would lower the other levels. This is a very, very complex issue, and I'm not going to suggest it isn't, and I sure wouldn't want to be the person who's making these decisions. But my main point is we, as per the law, are entitled to use our lakes for recreation. IF the county insists in maintaining levels that make it impossible either launch/land your boat, and do so without damaging it, then they HAVE to keep the launches dredged clean of the silt/sand so there's enough water to get out into the lake. Dredging once in a while is unacceptable. Dredging out Spring Harbor (which wasn't done to allow boat traffic access to the lake) and Marshall Park this year, and not touching Warner or Tenney is also unacceptable. At least one major launch should be done on each side of the lake when they get too shallow to allow lake access. I'd like to see the newspaper do an article on the launches, how much money is actually taken in per year, how much is actually spent on maintaining the launches, basically follow the money. WE pay to use these landings and they should be maintained accordingly. Look at the condition of the city owned launches compared to the county owned ones (the county does do a better job at maintaining their launches). The city should be embarrassed at the condition at Warner & Tenney (pot holes, can hardly see the parking stall lines - and the city has their own equipment and personnel to do this, weed pile up, etc.). Since I live on the east side of Madison I rarely go to Marshall or Spring Harbor so I can't comment on their conditions.

For a lot of information check out: http://www.countyofdane.com/lwrd/landconservation/ylag.aspx

I agree that they should be given credit for publically attending meetings and answering questions. I tried to decipher where the city of Madison boat launch money went to some years ago and basically got a bunch of "circular" answers from the Parks budget analyst (saying the same thing over and over slightly different without actually answering the questions). Really don't mean to rant and rave, but if we're forced to pay to use public owned launches (as well as paying city and county taxes), then that money should only be used for that purpose. This includes maintaining the launches and being able to get your boats onto the lakes.

Thanks for the response about the club meeting. I wish I would have read the clubs agenda, would have liked to attend (I used to be a member of the Yahara Fishing Club, even worked with Stan on the newsletter for a while.)

01-14-2012, 07:12 PM

I happen to agree that the status of the lakes suck from the perspective of a fisherman and someone who wants to see successful natural reproduction of fish like pike etc.. I agree that its a complex issue too no doubt about it. I hope I finally get the chance to meet up with you at some point because I know you can help me use my 997 more effectively.
