View Full Version : Keepers...

01-05-2012, 07:39 PM
Did some more fishing again today in Kates bay. I managed to ice 12 decent perch. I had one slab right at the edge of the hole and off he came. Yup...Back down the hole he went. Grrrrrrrr Then later I had on around 12 or 13 inches in my hand and was getting a bite on the other line so I threw it in the corner of the shack. As I was reeling it in two little flops and down the hole he goes....Grrrrrr again. lol My best lure was one Kev and Ken gave me to try out on perch. It did pretty good. I would tip the head end with a minnow head and tip the tail end with a minnow tail. It was working for me.