View Full Version : Slowwwww today...........

01-03-2012, 08:07 PM
Went out on BBDN this afternoon for a few hours but didn't get much. I ended up with 3 really nice perch. I also caught quit a few smaller ones that I through back. I marked lots of perch that I couldn't get to bite. The ones that did bite would bite so soft you could hardly feel them.I also hooked into a slab lawer and fought him on 3# line for about 10 minutes. I had his head coming through the hole and he even broke the surface when my line broke. Needless to say I lost him and a #00 Tangerine Tiger Moonshine Shiver minnow. I was pissed....lol That was what I was getting my perch on tipped with a minnow head.

01-03-2012, 09:29 PM
Hey Tomjohn,
How deep were you finding the Perch? Hope to get out and chase some myself soon.
Keep those reports coming.

01-03-2012, 09:32 PM
Today I was fishing in 18 1/2 foot of water. I was looking for a little deeper but setteled for what I fished.