View Full Version : Fishing report for 12-18-2011

12-19-2011, 09:10 AM
Hi everyone,

Sunday Big Mick and I fished the same small lake as Saturday and at the same spot. It is a long sand bar that juts way out into the lake. At the tip of the point as it hits the deep, there is a crib surrounded by weeds. It is usually good all year around. I call it a kitchen area as it is always loaded with food for the predator fish. Yesterday mick and I didn't catch the numbers as Saturday, but still had a good day. We wound up with 6 Walleyes with 1 keeper,a chunky 17"er and only 3 Perch. keeping 1.

The weather was a little different from Saturday. It was more clear sky with an occasional cloud now and then. The temps were warmer and the barometer was down. Except for a wind that howled at times from the southwest, the weather was perfect. We both marked far fewer fish than on Saturday and our tip ups only had two flags which were both dropped after the fish took about 5 feet of line out. Had Sucker minnows and Shinners on the tip ups again. Only Shinners got bit. We caught all the fish on jigging raps with minnow heads with the exception of one Perch I caught on a small spoon tipped with 3 waxxies

The ice is starting to thicken up a tad. We had 7" of ice where we were.We drilled holes Further out and found the ice to be 5-6" out in the middle of the lake. Cold temps with no snow is in the forecast so I'm hoping that the ice will thicken quicker now. As always, have to be aware of the current conditions when you go.

For the weekend we enjoyed good numbers of fish as well as some size to go with them. We wound up with 26 Walleyes with 3 keepers and 20 Perch keeping 8 chunky ones. the lake has a 15" minimum size limit and we caught a total of 8 Walleyes that measured 141/2". A lot of smaller fish too which is a good indication for the future of the Walleye fishery for that particular lake. I have fished with a lot of guys who complain when you catch a lot of small Walleyes. Not me! I enjoy the catching and then the successfull release of the small Walleyes realizing those are the future of the lake. I'll be out again soon. Will be fishing other lakes now that I'm hearing good ice reports. I've got some friends who fish other lakes that I'll compare notes with. Decide than where to go. Good luck fishing everyone and be safe.


12-19-2011, 07:29 PM
Well i finally got out fishing for the first time this ice fishing season on the chip. Nothing to report fish wise tho. Saw a couple on the vexlar but nothing was biting. Fished over some deep cribs with crappie minnows and waxies. Since the sun was kinda out i didnt bring the camera so not sure what fish were down there. I think they were small tho. Wont be able to get out for three weeks given year end at work so i will report in Jan. Happy hoildays and new year to all.

12-20-2011, 10:36 AM
Hi Josh,

Good to hear from you again. How thick was the ice? I'm coming over next weeek for some Crappie and Perch fishing. I waited this long to make sure I'd have safe ice. Did you fish down by your brothers house?

So far this December on my favorite small lake in Vilas County, I and my fishing buds have iced 66 Walleyes, and almost 100 Perch. It's been a hoot. I'm excited to get on the Big Chip to ice fish her. All these years of no ice fishing allowed, it's exciting to finally do that. It'll be fun to figure out the patterns for winter Crappie and Perch. Keep in touch and Merry Christmas. Be talking to you soon.


12-20-2011, 09:16 PM
The ice was a good 5-6 inches every hole i drilled. Yes, we fished by his place. We normally fish in another spot which we have had good luck with so sometime this winter we will have to get together and fish for those crappies. When we start hitting them hard i will let you know. Not much snow on the ice on the chip so i am guessing it is getting thicker by the day. Was a little surprised that it was that thick, but without that snow it makes sence. I will keep you posted on how it goes for us.

12-21-2011, 02:50 PM
Hey Josh,

I plan on being over on the Big Chip next week Wed. and Thursday. thanks for the ice report. I want to try some spots that I think will produce Crappie and Perch and show you some spots that should produce some Northerns and maybe some Bass. Email me your tele.#. Be talking to you soon. Thanks.
