View Full Version : New Bing satellite views of TFF area

12-16-2011, 04:40 PM
It's been awhile since I've checked out the satellite views of the TFF from Google and Bing. Google still has the old maps, but Bing just updated theirs! Check it out! I think they took the new pictures this past summer. It is obviously post-tornado. There is another website, www.flashearth.com, that also has the Bing maps, but with a different front end.

12-16-2011, 06:17 PM
Seems to me the resolution is better than Google Earth.
Thanks Randy!

12-16-2011, 08:34 PM
Cool. I would guess they took the pictures in September of this year. We are north of TFF on Pike. We had a mess from a staircase we built that we cleaned up the first weekend of September. The mess is gone. We put a buoy out this summer for a swim raft. The raft is in but the buoy is there. Our pier is out but others are not. The leaves are still on the trees. So on and so on....

12-17-2011, 09:47 AM
With the improved resolution, it's a shame that they caught it during that prolonged algae bloom. On the Flash Earth site, if you switch the source to Yahoo! you can see many of the shallow bars - and you can compare the before and after views of the tornado damaged areas.

By the way, although I haven't been up to the TFF lately, I have been posting a lot of photos from other outings. I just bought another new and improved camera, plus a faster computer, better editing software and additional goodies, so I've been trying several new techniques. I also posted a new virtual tour with panoramic scenes from observation towers around the northern half of the state - some more interesting than others. I've been accumulating those for a while, and I'll be adding to it over time - I'm trying to hit all 14 towers in state parks and forests, hopefully in multiple seasons, then start on the list of other scenic overlooks. That's at http://tours.grandviewvirtual.com/44958. This winter I'm working on setting up an online gallery to sell prints of my best stuff, and I'm sure a lot of TFF photos will end up on there.

12-18-2011, 04:15 PM
I've seen some of the stuff Blue has been shooting with his new camera. Check it out. It's really good!

George G
12-20-2011, 04:00 PM
Hi Blue, does your new camera take a high speed sd card, what class do you like using. I have been using a 4 GB card in my new Moultrie M-100 class 4 and it seems to be working just great. Just curious what your thoughts are. Important info for catching some action shot with that Musky high out of the water and snapping the line of course or throwing the bait. Thanks.

12-20-2011, 07:44 PM
I just picked up a couple new 16GB Class 10 Lexar cards on sale for $25 at Target last night. I already had a couple 8GB Class 6 Lexar cards, and those seemed to work fine in the new camera too. But I've started shooting in RAW mode a lot lately, which generates files up to 22MB each, and the 8GB cards only held about 350 photos. With the number of pictures I take on some outings, I figured more capacity wouldn't hurt. In my old camera, I was shooting JPEGs at around 2MB each and could fit about 4000 photos on the 8GB cards, which was more than I ever needed.

12-21-2011, 10:36 PM
Hey Blue, the panoramics are great! Almost as good as being there... almost. Didn't get bit by a single mosquito either!

12-28-2011, 09:29 PM
Three more towers added to the tour from a Saturday outing, including one I didn't know existed that I heard about from a guy at the first stop. http://tours.grandviewvirtual.com/44958.

Some new photos in the Picasa gallery as well, including what might be the biggest rod, reel and bobber ever!