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11-14-2011, 05:57 PM
Aweful quiet on the board...my guess is that's a pretty good sign for others as well.

Wish I could have been fishing this morning in the warm weather (kinda getting used to the wind that can't figure out which direction to blow). I've been fishing three days a week or so for the last few weeks. Some days much shorter than others, but some longer days mixed in. Have had a few multiple fish days, but have had a couple of blanks as well.

Thursday I had my heart broken. I caught the attention of a "pig" at the end of a rather long cast. She moved a bunch of water in searching for the bait that she missed. I immediately repeated several casts. Must have been the fifth or sixth cast back in the same general area again she made her presence known. She followed this time. Seemed pretty hot as she was right on the bait. Sunk in the water as she neared the boat and I went into the firgure eight. She went around a few times as I had super deep eights going and then she disappeared. I hadn't seen that fish before, that's for sure. Definitely a fat lady.

The rain stained the creek a bit, which worked in my favor one evening early last week. I switched from naturals to brights and scored 3 fish within an hour on a "carp" colored Mag Nutbuster just before dark.

Still expecting a big Fall fish. How's everyone else doing?