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View Full Version : fishing report for last few days

Ty Sennett
11-11-2011, 07:20 AM
I had Gary Brady and his dad Gary out for two days and then Jason Lonardi and his brother Josh out yesterday. We caught some nice fish the last couple days but one in particular sticks out. Our sucker rod got hit two days ago right before dark and the fish started going away from the boat slow so I told Gary Sr. to set the hook. Before he could do anything the fish was flying back at us and under the boat and peeled out about forty yards of line. By the time I turned the boat the fish was about thirty yards the other way. We couldn't figure out what way the fish was going because it was swimming in circles so fast. Finally I said just reel him in nice and easy because he's obviously already hooked. When I netted the fish I could see my line going into the net and the fish's mouth and then coming out and going back into the lake. Mind you it was pretty dark out so it just wasn't registering what had happened. Here in the fish's mouth was a quick set rig from someone else with the line broke off and one of the treble hooks dangling outside of the fish's mouth had snagged the line of our quick set rig after the fish grabbed and then dropped our sucker. All that was holding us to the fish was a treble that went straight through the middle of our line. Had we set the hook like normal we would have torn the line for sure. After some major surgery we let the fish go. I guess the moral of the story is to use 120-130 pound line so as not to have it break. Luckily we caught the fish to help him out. So we kinda caught a nice fish two days ago thanks to someone elses bad line.