View Full Version : November 7th report

The Bait Shop Guy
11-08-2011, 07:35 AM
I got out briefly Monday evening for a quick bass trip along the West Bank. Wind was still howling at the start of the trip, but it was enough out of the west to keep the wave heights reasonable. In a hour and a half of fishing, I boated 7 smallies, lost 4 more, and even caught a walleye, (normally not unusual, but that's the first one I've caught in a couple weeks of dragging suckers!) Second drift I doubled up on 19 and 19 1/2 inchers, (the two big fish of the trip.) By the third drift, I had to pull in the drift sock because the wind had died to almost nothing, (trollers should have had a good night on the upper bay.) Three of the bass , and even the walleye, showed obvious signs of being hooked before, (released tournament fish?)

Anyway, good luck if you can make it out.