View Full Version : Blastomycosis - Is your dog doing ok?

Ruff Fish
11-04-2011, 10:04 AM
Hi all,

I just wanted to post a heads up....

My dog, Patrick, a 4 year old Irish Setter isn't doing too well. He's been diagnosed as positive for blastomycosis. Vet says it's usually contracted in wet areas in northern WI. Wikipedia says the same.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blastomycosis Wikipedia says, under epidemiology, "...also frequently affects hunting dogs in northern Wisconsin..."

We caught it pretty early, but I don't think he's going to make it. It's a tough one to beat, even with early diagnosis, and it's often missed.

He's only at home, not a typical area for blasto, or up in Mercer near the LOTF campground area with me. Vet figures he likely contracted it up there.

So....if your dog isn't responding treatment for other illnesses, and the vet is having trouble getting a handle on what's up with your dog.... Maybe mention to do the test for blasto right away. It appears to be in the area where I see a lot of other people and their dogs hanging out.

I'm hoping nobody else has to deal with it...and I thought it may help somebody else out to mention it.

ps (Any prayers for my fishing buddy are appreciated. Kids are usually too busy, or don't want to go fishing....so poor Paddy has always been there for me.)

Mark Benson
11-04-2011, 03:20 PM
Ruff fish:

So sorry to hear about your dog Paddy... My second lab Blue made it, but she was very sick for over a month, lost an eye, blew up like a balloon and eventually came back. Lots of ground burger, two tablets a day at $14 each for like 6 weeks, but she made it!!! Don't give up yet and sending prayers your way. Have other friends who dogs lost their lives to blasto. Basically it is a fungus that like to grow in areas where beavers are prevalent, so Mercer and Manitowish are hotbed areas for it. Coughing, swelling of the joints are two of the early symptoms...

Three organisms react badly to it, dogs first, humans second, cats third... There have some nasty cases involving humans, if I remember correctly the tribal leader of the Menomonie tribe passed because of it...

God's Speed Paddy, you get better soon!!!


11-05-2011, 07:12 AM
We're thinking about you'all, not a lot worse than losing a dog. Check this out. The vet in minoqua said fully 75% of her biz is tick related. I know blasto isn't tick related but taking care of your best pal isn't as easy as it used to be.

fisher lake
11-05-2011, 05:08 PM
Sorry to hear about your dog. Lost my Springer to Blasto 9 years ago. Just an FYI, don't trust a negative Lung x-ray, Buddy was on diflucon for 3 months the x-ray showed the Blasto was gone it came back. We even took him to UW Madison The head Vet there said to get rid of the Blasto takes at least 6months of the Meds and a lot of hope. Good luck my prayers are with you.

Sam Bo
11-06-2011, 09:23 AM
My 6 month lab was diagnosed this September with Blasto. We live on the Turtle Flambeau Flowage. He's been on a liquid medicine called Itraconazole and will remain on it for 90 days. We caught it early and even then he went downhill for some time before he started showing signs of improvement. Had to force feed him for several days by forcing venison meatballs down his throat every two hours. Lots of sleepless nights but worth it. My vet swears by this drug for the full 90 days and has been very successful. The liquid form is given once a day and is much cheaper than the pill form. You fill a syringe and shoot it down the throat. My pup loves the stuff and actually holds his mouth open for me. So far we've had great success. He sometimes favors his right rear leg but that seems to improving with exercise. Good luck to you and keep the faith.

Flambeau Riverman
11-06-2011, 11:02 PM
Prayers sent to your fishing buddy Paddy. I hope he gets better soon and the two of you have many years on the water together.

I 've never heard of Blasto. We spend a month a year in northern Wisconsin and if our dog ever gets sick after a trip it will be something I mention to the vet.

Thanks for the heads up. Sorry to have to hear about it this way.

11-07-2011, 01:15 PM
I know Fishtrap Lake and the Manitowish River around Boulder Junction is a Blasto hot spot and that flows into the Flowage so it might be an area to use caution.Wish you the best.

Ruff Fish
11-11-2011, 02:28 PM
Thanks for the prayers and well wishes for Paddy guys. My sympathies to those of you who have lost a buddy....

Paddy is doing pretty well lately. His condition is pretty directly tied to him taking prednisone at the vets direction. Without it he won't eat, and I can barely force feed him, he can barely breathe, and coughs constantly. On the prednisone, he barely seems sick at all.... Obviously we want to keep weaning him off of it, and be on the lowest doseage possible....but my vet has successfully treated several blasto dogs. They credit their success with the steroids giving the dogs the lung strength to combat the issue, the appetite to take the medicine and nourishment, etc...

So if you run into the problem, steroids as part of the treatment has been super beneficial for Paddy...