View Full Version : Telling it like it is

Musky Mauler
10-23-2011, 09:49 AM
A couple of weeks ago, there was a surge of “Indian summer” in the TFF area. Some folks from Chicago who had rented a cabin for that week were quite pleasantly surprised at their luck with the weather. About midweek they went out fishing one day. When they came back to their rented cabin, the lady on board was shouting, “We caught a musky! We caught a musky!”
The lady in the boat quickly went to her rented cabin to retrieve a camera so she could photograph their “prize catch.”
The resident lady who owns the cabin next door to the rental cabin was among those who gathered as the boat came to the dock. The man in the boat proudly held up his “prize catch.” However, it didn’t seem to measure-up, so to speak. The lady who owns the cabin next door inquired about the size. The man said, “It’s at least 37 inches.”
The resident lady said, “Well, then that’s NOT a legal-sized musky. Is it still alive?”
The man replied, “Well it was banging around a lot in the live tank. It’s gills are still moving.”
The resident lady said, “You should release it and try to get it moving, again.”
The man from Chicago said he didn’t know how.
So, the resident lady got into the water; took the musky; and tried to resuscitate it by rubbing its belly and moving it back and forth in the water. But after 15 minutes it was obvious that it was to no avail.
The lady from Chicago returned with her camera, and was perturbed at the fact that the musky was now in the water, and she wasn’t able to get a photograph of herself holding the now dead fish. Another local couple who had witnessed the scene advised the Chicago couple that they might get into trouble for catching an illegal musky. Whereupon, the man from Chicago told his wife to pack their things. He wanted to leave.
The folks from Chicago quickly packed their car. Then, the car was seen to drive away.
The resident lady then conferred with the others with regard to the 33-inch musky now lying dead on the shore. (They measured it, to be sure.) It was suggested that the DNR should be called. So, she called and inquired if there happened to be a game warden handy on the Flowage who might be able to come to the scene. Naturally, the DNR did not choose to disclose the whereabouts of their game wardens at any particular time. But, they said that they’d file a report about the location of the musky.
Awhile later, a supervisory warden from the DNR showed up and got the information surrounding the manner in which the musky got to where it was. Then, he went over to the rental cabin and knocked on the door. To everyone’s surprise, the husband answered!
His wife was so mad at what had taken place, and that she didn’t get her wanted photograph, that she took off and left him behind!
The man admitted that he caught the illegal musky. After all, there were several witnesses who could attest to that fact. When the game warden asked for his fishing license, the man said that his wife had driven away with it.
The game warden issued a citation for the illegal musky.
But he then called-in with the information pertaining to the fisherman in question. It was then revealed that there was no record of any fishing license ever being issued to the man from Chicago. So, the game warden went back and issued another citation. One was a $200 fine, and the other was a $250 fine. The game warden explained that if the man didn’t pay the fines, an arrest warrant would be issued, and he would be subject to arrest if and when he returned to Wisconsin.
Then, the game warden placed the musky in a bag and left.
Awhile later the remorseful, but still irate wife had an apparent change-of-heart, and returned to get her husband. But as they drove away she stopped at the resident lady’s cabin. She banged on the door. When the owner answered, the irate Chicago lady shouted obscenities. The resident lady closed the door. The irate Chicago lady then banged on windows; continued to shout obscenities; gave the infamous “one finger salute,” and drove away with her husband.
Upon returning to Chicago, these folks contacted the rental agent and the cabin owner. They wanted a refund on their rental fee. They claimed that the resident lady had “formulated a lie” to the DNR concerning the size of a certain 15-inch smallmouth bass that they had caught. They claimed that they could no longer tolerate the “lying lady next door,” and had to leave. They demanded a refund of their cabin rental fee.
So, without first gathering the actual facts, both the rental agent AND the owner of the rented cabin expressed their “displeasure” (in no uncertain terms) with the resident lady next door - - a longtime acquaintance of mine. It was hinted that SHE should be responsible for returning the money to the “ill-treated” folks from Chicago.
Now,I just hafta ask: is THIS the lesson we should learn when someone actually does the right thing? Should she be chastised by others who are motivated first and primarily by monetary concerns ?
Just to set the record straight, later on, when the true facts came to light from other witnesses, the rental agent and owner of the rental cabin apologized. But, it’s obvious (at least to me) that they first tended to put the cart before the horse. To my mind, they should have first gathered the actual facts, and then they should have thanked the ”lady next door” in the initial instance, rather than chastising her.

Hot Runr Guy
10-23-2011, 02:24 PM
To answer your last question first, yes, the rental agent and the cabin owner should have had all the facts before confronting the resident lady.

But, as a Chicago-area renter of a cabin on the TFF, just how would you have expected them to do so? Obviously, this turned into a "his word vs. hers" scenario, neither the rental agent or cabin owner were on site, all they had to work with was the explanation of the renter. Maybe, just maybe, the resident lady doesn't like renters invading her peace and tranquility of the TFF, there are many instances of locals not appreciating renters, unless the local happens to be benefitting from the rental (owns the cabin, sells bait, food or gas, guides, etc). I have no doubt the situation happened the way you've explained it, but without a picture of the (illegal) angler holding the fish, where's the proof?


10-23-2011, 08:11 PM
I think there are some good lessons here for everyone:
1) Not everyone is "in tune" with fishing/hunting etc and they think they really did good -even if the fish they caught was too small - it apparently was a big deal to them.
2) These folks could have been from IL, MN, NH, TN, FL or even WI. I have seen folks who never caught a fish in their life almost go balistic and have seen them threaten Captains here in FL when they are told the "biggest fish of their life" was way too small to keep.
3) Credit is due to the local who tried to save the fish
4) Calling the local authorities was definately the best plan, it is too bad the warden's only response is that they "have to issue citations" perhaps needed in this case, but my experience with them (and I was a police officer for 27 years) is that there is no grey area- only black and white.
5) It is difficult to judge other's motives. Obviously the renter's motives were to catch a biggest fish ever - certainly not to become wanted violators of the law. While the renter or whomever called the DNR probably did not do it to get someone in trouble, but to do the right thing and report the incident.

I would not personally lay blame on anyone involved. It was certainly an unfoturnate incident for many folks involved. I have learned long ago not to be so quick to judge, understand there are at least two (if not more) sides to every story, and perhaps most important: Learn from mistakes and understand everyone makes them.

10-24-2011, 06:23 AM
Well said FraudDog, well said.

Musky Mauler
10-24-2011, 08:52 AM
HRG, I guess you've got me there. Naturally, I've got no "proof." But, if you really are interested in checking up on my varacity, perhaps you can ask the DNR if these citations ware actually issured recently on the TFF. That will substantiate what I've said. Other than that, all I can say is that this is how it happened. I'll admit that perhaps I've "stretched the truth" now and then with regard to the size of the one that got away, but I have nothing to gain by formulating a falsehood in this instance. BTW, as a former Chicago boy, I certainly did not mean to cast aspersions against Chicago residents who frequent the Flowage. It just so happened that Chicago is where these folks came from. Incidentally, I, too, can appreciate their excitement at catching this fish. But, the fact remains that they did NOT acquire fishing licenses. Had they done so, they might easily have become aware of the size limits and possession limits that imposed upon one and all. In the meantime, good luck to you with regard to catching snook and those delicious reds in Florida. Incidentally, for those who might not know, a Florida resident over age 65 does NOT have to purchase a fishing license to fish Florida waters. Such a deal! Any chance of Wisconsin following suit?

Hot Runr Guy
10-24-2011, 11:08 AM
Like I said above, I believe your version of the story. I wonder just how willing the DNR is to discuss citations written to others? Is there a "police blotter" in the local newspapers that lists violations written-up?
Personally, I think he got off the hook too easily. $450 in total fines seems pretty light to me.


10-24-2011, 12:56 PM
Actually, this entire story begs 1 question. How many years have these clowns been coming to the TFF, and have they ever purchased fishing licenses?

OK, that was 2 questions and I bet the answer to the 2nd question is NO.

Since the statewide limit is 34", and their fish was only 33" yet they thought it was legal, I doubt if they've ever purchased a Wisconsin fishing license.

Time to bring down the hammer on losers like this.

bobs port 608
10-24-2011, 06:20 PM
http://outdoornews.com/wisconsin/ This is a site that post arrest and general sporting info for the state of Wis. Check under cuffs and collars.

bobs port 608
10-24-2011, 06:23 PM
I should have looked before I posted, but the incident is on the site.

10-25-2011, 09:24 AM
I agree with HRG and Don H. The warden should have also givin him an "Obstruction" citation also for lying about his license. He got off too easy and I'd bet this wasn't the only time he broke fishing laws out of the flowage.


Floating Dock
10-25-2011, 12:17 PM
Thanks for the story. It is encouraging to know that once in a while people with no respect for the fishing regulations get (almost) what they deserve.
I hope the local group of owners who operate tourist rooming businesses are organized enough to share the identity of this idiot among themselves, seems like a good way to remove the risk of having this individual rent your property.
Anyone here know if such an organization exists?

10-25-2011, 07:06 PM
To me, this story is just as bad as someone who purposely kills a smallmouth because it is not a walleye.

10-27-2011, 06:46 PM
My brother and I just got back from 2 day trip on an in-town lake we have been fishing since 1975, when there were just a couple houses on the lake. We caught and released 6 muskies, 4 of which were legal including 39" and 40". We are from St Charles, IL and are low buck, old school row trollers. The 40" followed from under the boat on a figure 8 and disappeared to hit the sucker soon after. What a thrill! Meanwhile, a land owner (also from IL, I hear) regularly trolls a sucker behind a trolling motor propelled pontoon. I have approached him before several years ago, only to see him continue around the lake against the wind. This year, I got his boat tag and shot video. With great satisfaction, we witnessed him pulling the boat out on a trailer at the resort we stay at. Apparently, it broke down. Conducting a non-scientific survey, most are of the opinion that I should do nothing. I think I have had enough, as it is now blatant. We are open for suggestions.

Mark Benson
10-28-2011, 10:08 AM

Give the DNR Hotline a call, give them the tag info and other pertinent info to watch him themselves and let them make the decision.


10-28-2011, 10:43 AM
I second that. You tried a friendly warning, and he blatantly disregarded it. Who knows what other rules he's ignoring?

10-28-2011, 01:11 PM
I rent a nice home on the TFF next door to a resident lady. She hates renters, allows her dogs to bark, gives my 2 year old grandson the evil eye if he crosses her line in the dirt between homes.
She is a B---- !!! If this happens to be the resident that you are complementing------ too bad.
By the way ,you all must know her------- she's an airline pilot.
Have a nice day.

the other andy
10-28-2011, 02:38 PM
I'd rather live next to a mean old B***** than poachers. Thumbs up to whoever she is, whether any of these folks are residents or nonresidents is completely irrelevent. Violations should be reported.

10-28-2011, 06:36 PM
These people were not poachers------------ they didn't know that they did anything wrong or else they wouldn't have told this lady that they violated a law.
I have bought my last license in your state for fishing too.!!!! I have bought 48 of them including trout stamps. Check my records. [60] bucks this year. I will be back to the TFF, but only for my family to wine and dine at the Midway,-- and go boating. [ALL] 12 of us. Screw your muskeys !!!!
and local B----. Sorry--------------
I'm coming back snowmobiling for the red light ralleye---------- We still love Mercer's friendliness and Shane and Mollies.

10-28-2011, 07:59 PM
Turn the Guy in who drags suckers with his pontoon boat---I know exactly who you are talking about and have seen him do it many times myself. He thinks he is safe where he is fishing and that no one is watching. Lots of people around there now and most wouldn't care if he gets turned in. Haven't seen him actually catch anything yet but I am sure he has. If he was just using that trolling motor for slowing his drift or keeping his position then It would be ok--but he drags the suckers behing him like a bait and covers lots of weed edges fast and against the wind even--HE IS DEFINATELY BREAKING THE LAW.

Musky Mauler
10-29-2011, 06:48 AM
Howdy, 'ol wildcat. Now that you've vented your spleen about the lady next door - - what has that got to do with anything? Are you implying that if she were a veritable princess (in your estimation) then it would be okay for her to try to revive an illegal-sized musky? But, if she doesn't meet your "princess" standards then we should assume that she's a witch for doing what she did? Is it supposed to be that only visitors who rent next to a "princess" run the risk of running afoul of fishing rules and regulations? But, if they rent next door to a "witch" than it's okay for them to fish without a license and to haul-in illegal-sized muskies? Just what in the world has your opinion of your neighbor (or her dogs) got to do with what happened that day? Isn't it a bit juvenile of you to use this forum for such vitriolic purpose? Of course, that "evil eye" that you mention IS something of great concern. We all know that many, many children are permanently injured every year after coming into focus of such an eye. The truth is, those folks from Chicago brought this upon themselves. It certainly was NOT the fault of whomever it was that lived next door to them, nor next door to you. How about cutting some slack here, 'ol wildcat. (Gee, are witches really allowed to fly airliners these days? Whadday know! Good for her.)

dinged prop
10-29-2011, 03:02 PM
Well it must be near Halloween with the witches and all. I don't care if someone is my next door neighbor or someone from Brazil is breaking the law I will report them. Laws are what define society without them there is lunacy. I think Ol' whatever ought to get rid of the barb wire under wear

10-29-2011, 05:26 PM
Hi Mauler,
Haven't you or Hemple ever done ANYTHING in your sacred lives that broke a law? [Doing 26 mph in a 25 mph school zone? If your answer is NO-------- you must be as perfect as the DNR in your state.
Thanks for caring, this ol' 70 year ol' man will give in to all you do-gooders.
My first trip there was 1963 and almost every year since times 4.
I remember diving in the water to retrieve my stupid buddies beer can that he threw in.{ But i'm sure that at least one time there,I probably broke a law---- however, I always bought a non-resident fishing license and have only been checked twice. Thats the real crime that the man did.
Have a great fishing day !!!

11-01-2011, 08:54 PM
esox1- Thanks! I think I was watching you guys in awe when I was 10 years old. There's too much at stake to loose by a hack who does this and then leaves the sucker out on a bobber unattended. The answer is clear now- do something or STFU! No money going toward DNR, so DO SOMETHING to protect the resource.

Godspeed to Don Pemble

john brennan
11-03-2011, 03:47 PM
Maybe it was the resident lady that actually killed it by moving it back and forth in the water. If the water was cold, the gills were working, it probably had a chance to swim away. Sounds like she drowned the musky. This could have been handled in a much different way. This could have been a great opportunity to teach and share information with excited amateurs to the Flowage. They obviously didn't know they were doing anything wrong with the fish. (The problem with not having a license? That's something else, but that is NOT why the DNR was called.)

From reading your story, I'm sure the conversation went more like, "I'm calling the Warden on you and you are in big trouble. You better leave right away." Why did she even get involved?

Otherwise, nice to know there are so many that want to be a cop and get involved in everybody's business. Why is it that people can't wait to turn others in. Probably the same people that keep a few extra walleyes when the bite is good, or go out and bag a limit, a couple times a day during the opener. How many of you are breaking the law right now with too many fish in your freezers? Probably a good portion. Let the DNR do THEIR job. You can help with purple loose strife or during the walleye watch when you are asked for help. Who knows, maybe that happy family was interested in buying a cabin up here. They could have purchased from a neighbor that is in a foreclosure situation and needs help to get out. With the poor economy, and property values dropping 30%, we don't need to chase any people away. Especially ones spending their money in our local area.

We should: Educate, yes. Help others, yes. Be nice, yes. Show neighborly love, yes. There is too much anger in this world and especially in the big cities. That's why people come up here. To get away and relax. This was simply way over reacting. Just remember what goes around comes around. You might have friends or family up sometime in the future that get into trouble and need help from your neighbor. As Rodney King once said, "Can't we all just get along?"

As for the guy in the pontoon..he was talked to and educated first. Then he ignored the advice and openly knowingly continued violating; go ahead and call, he deserves to get busted.

Have a nice Holiday season and be extra nice to tourists this season. WE NEED THEM!!

11-03-2011, 07:46 PM
Amazing how much preachifying goes on these days on what were once fishing threads.

Your spiel sounds pretty good mr Brennon but it kind of falls apart in the face of the facts. This pair of birds were evidently fishing without licenses. How much education do you think they need exactly? Because, well, considering the incident as a whole, they are dummer than a box o rocks.

Why do YOU think they call em F.I.B.s????


11-04-2011, 06:08 AM
Amazing how much preachifying goes on these days on what were once fishing threads.

Your spiel sounds pretty good mr Brennon but it kind of falls apart in the face of the facts. This pair of birds were evidently fishing without licenses. How much education do you think they need exactly? Because, well, considering the incident as a whole, they are dummer than a box o rocks.

Why do YOU think they call em F.I.B.s????


You mean "dumber"?

11-04-2011, 08:10 AM
Thank you MR. BRENNAN,
There are a very few locals that live on the TFF that do not like out of state tourists. There probably are some low life's that won't buy a non-resident license, but our tourist money keeps Wisconsin residents from coughing up $276 per person in higher taxes per year. [based on your state dept. of treasury]
I recently visited the Hayward and big Chippewa this fall and found the most friendly business, resort owners, residents and working staff of people there........ goodbye TFF and IRON county.
My two year old from Arizona that visits me up there will not ever get to know the place granpa used to fish with Joe Popko and Joe Gullem. I think we even kept an extra 'eye' without guilt--- nor a flowage full of perfectionists.
Have a wonder ful Christmas, MR. BRENNAN. We think alot a like.
Tom from Iowa

the other andy
11-04-2011, 04:17 PM
Mr. Wildcat, there's a violin playing for you somewhere. Enjoy the Hayward area. We'll see who misses whom.
Mr. Brennan, if somebody blasts a doe out of season in your front yard what do you do? Just mind your own business? Since there's a warden behind every tree you can leave it up to them. Or maybe find out where the shooter is from? I suppose if they're non-residents it would be O.K. and you can educate them on the rules. After all non-residents don't need to know the rules. All they need to do is show up and spend money and they can do whatever they please.


john brennan
11-05-2011, 03:55 PM
I wouldn't consider them poachers. If they were, they would never have brought the fish back for pictures. Your shooting a deer in your front lawn example isn't on the same level, they weren't using dynamite. I agree that there should be no excuse for not having a license, but the lady didn't know that when she called the Warden. She was simply being nasty. Call it what you want. It's the same as if she saw 8 beer cans in your boat and called the warden to report you for being drunk, not knowing if those were old cans or not. Can't we all just be politicians?

john brennan
11-05-2011, 04:34 PM
Also, just read police blotter regarding the report that they issued a ticket for a illegal license..don't know what that means..maybe resident was purchased. However, it also states that the lady tried reviving for over 1 hour. Why didn't she simply tell them to put it back in the water? It's gills were moving, water cold..probably would have made it. Why did she have to even handle it? I believe her attempted release killed the fish. Moving it back and forth will drown a fish. Maybe she needs to be educated in the proper release method. Again, just stay out of other peoples business. Next she will be hanging around the dock and counting your empty beer cans.

11-05-2011, 06:20 PM
It's a tourist again. [ol'wildcat]
Mr Brennan--------- I'll meet you there for your all expense paid dinner for you and wife, just so my wife and I can get to know you.
You seem to be one of the local residents that are truly appreciative of the tourists up there.
We might even know each other after my 40 years plus of coming there. Many residents are our friends---------- including Shane and Mollie.
Musky Mauler, floating dock--------you must be lonely--------
And yes to the violin playing------- hope our paths never meet.

11-06-2011, 12:43 PM
John Brennan raises some valid points regarding the actions of the couple, but I think most of us can agree on two points. First, the fish would be much more likely to be alive if it had been immediately returned to the water as legally required. Trying to shift the blame to a woman who cared enough to spend an hour trying to save it - even if she didn't know the proper procedure - is warped. Second, the Illinois man would not have received two citations if he had purchased a valid license and had read and obeyed the regulations. Is that really too much to ask? I don't know the woman in question, but I'm inclined to suspect that her decision to call the DNR had something to do with the attitude displayed by the couple when she tried to help them. John wants us to keep our noses out of "everybody's business," but it is precisely that - everybody's lake, everybody's future enjoyment and therefore everybody's business. If someone reported a stranger watching his house or following his (hypothetical) daughter home from school, I suspect he'd be less critical. And it's really sad that some people seem to believe that those who would keep an occasional undersized fish or toss a few extra walleyes in the freezer are the rule, rather than the exception.

For anyone who's interested, I ran across this link to the current schedule of fines and penalties for DNR violations: http://newsofthenorth.net/downloads/dnr.pdf

Flambeau Vista Retreat LLC
11-06-2011, 10:50 PM
Ol' Wildcat,

What is the date of that "free walleye dinner" at Midway? Kathy and I are in on it, as we would love to meet you in person. You really don't have to buy dinner, but I will shake dice with you for a beer/drink. I just got back from Midway a few hours ago after watching the Packers contiinue with their perfect season. Needless to say, Shane was grumbling about the "Peckers"; however, I think he truely is a closet Packer fan!!!!! LOL We will see how his Bears do on Monday night.

Contrary to some of your opinions, we do love people coming up to the TFF and experiencing God's country. I am sorry if you had a bad experience, but can assure you that we will do everything possible to make your next trip here a very enjoyable vacation. I think you will find the Chip to be a bit too commercial for you, but, to each his own. I will not say anything bad about that area as they also work hard at making their guests happy.

Thanks for coming to Northern Wisconsin and recreating with us. So, again, when is this Midway date? Eh'?

11-07-2011, 06:50 AM
Time to lock this one

11-08-2011, 12:39 PM
Mr. Brennan,
My family has already booked for the July 4th week on the TFF for one more year. 2012.
Shane and Mollie know Tom and Mary from Iowa real well.
WE'd love to meet you there during that week. You sound like a very nice gentlemen and we'd love to share fishing stories with you . Have a great Holiday season too.
Tom from Iowa

11-08-2011, 01:54 PM
Mr. Brennan,
WE'd love to meet you there during that week. You sound like a very nice gentlemen and we'd love to share fishing stories with you . Tom from Iowa

Why don't you just get a hotel room and make love?