View Full Version : Premature...

10-19-2011, 06:24 PM
I know this is a little premature as ice fishing is a few months away buy I am thinking of buying a few tip ups before ice up and would like to get some input from the tip up fishermen? I know everyone has a personal preference of each brand and the pro's and con's of his or her tip ups.


The Bait Shop Guy
10-20-2011, 06:23 AM
Tough to beat the good old HT Polar tip-ups. Compact, easy to use, and cheap.

10-20-2011, 07:59 AM
...add another vote for the HT Polar tip-up. They seem to have a "smooth" enough line feed-out that fish don't seem to feel. I bought some of those HT round ones that completely cover the hole, and I like them too... they really do insulate and prevent from freezing over so quickly. I've never bought an "expensive" tip-up, and for the amount of ice fishing that I do (or don't do), I probably never will. For the price of HT's, they fully meet my needs....just my .02

10-20-2011, 06:16 PM
polar tip-ups TJ , unless you want to buy a little better one is beaver dam but you can get 2 polars for the price of one beaver dam. But they are just as good if your careful busting the ice out around them cause they do break.