View Full Version : Wondering How Kinkaid is doing?? Producing any Muskies??

Capt Kranz
10-18-2011, 01:32 AM
Hey Guys, to all you fortunate ones to hit Kinkaid.. Hit me up with an update... I'm down here in Galveston Tx wondering how good the lake is getting with the muskies... Two more weeks then I will be hitting it hard!!!

Thanks for any updates!!

10-18-2011, 05:16 PM
I would suggest hiring a guide at least one time to give you a feel for the lake. I just started hunting for them last year and used Scott Donovan a couple of times to teach me the basics and learn the lake. He was terrific at his job and easy to spend the day with. Every time I fish the lake I see at least one sometimes two or three follow right to the edge of the boat trying to decide if it wants the bait or not. Some hit it most dont but its the best hair raising rush when you see them right there in front of you. I went last Sat for about five hours and had two follows one hung boatside for about a minute or so letting me know my figure eight technique was crappy and another that came right up and turned around about as fast as it came in. Havent seen any monster size fish yet but seems to be plenty in the 36" range. Hope this helps you

Chad Cain
10-18-2011, 06:52 PM
Fishing has been really good lately. Yesterday we got four muskies up to 45 inches and today we got five fish up to 47.5" We are seeing about 15 to 20 fish a day right now.

Capt Kranz
10-19-2011, 05:11 AM
Sounds like the lake is becoming alive! Can't wait to get in town to test the waters out! Appreciate the update fellas! Fish on!! Don't fall out the boat!

Thanks Again for the update... Very much appreciated !