View Full Version : Fathead Minnow Fund?

Red Childress
10-04-2011, 07:08 AM
My daughters and I met the PFBC truck in Tidioute and then again at Brokenstraw launch an hour later on 9/20 and picked up a couple thousand musky fingerlings for float stocking. During the conversations with the Tionesta PFBC guy, he informed me that they had had several thousand fingerlings die as a result of poor pellet food.....some type of digestion problem and they just did not fare well on the pellets this year for some reason. I asked him if they would/could accept private donations for purchasing live minnows to ensure better survival rates in the future. He said "he would run it past his boss and see what he said."

I guess my question is this: Are there guys on this site who would help support a baitfish fund either through donations or maybe even run a musky tournament to create funds for this project??

I am just throwing this out there in case they would be willing to go with the live minnow/private donation proposal.

Any comments are welcomed.

10-04-2011, 08:07 AM

You should get in touch with Joe Houck from Three Rivers Chapter of MI. Our chapter has made quite a few contributions to the stocking program, habitat, pit tagging, etc over the years. Joe has lead most of these efforts. He has some great connections because he is a retired PFBC WCO.

Are you still a member of the chapter?

Adam A.

Red Childress
10-04-2011, 08:41 AM
I thought you guys had been very supportive of the PFBC in many areas over the years.

Thanks to toothyfishman, I have been hooked up with Joe for the past 2 years of float stockings on this stretch. I am wondering why these fish were given pellets if there are private monies to purchase minnows?? Did they run out of money or something?

Just curious.

BTW, I am getting my membership renewed this month. (Long story as to why it expired.)

10-04-2011, 09:29 AM
Definitely count me in for baitfish fund support if things go that route. Whatever I might be able to do to help, count me in.


10-04-2011, 10:37 AM
They start them on pellets and then switch them to minnows once they get bigger I think. That's they way I understand it and it's cheaper. I think they can even switch them back to pellets after minnows if they need to. They have developed a system to get the pures to eat pellets. I think in the past it was just tigers that would feed on pellets. Larry Hines from Linesville is the guy to talk to to learn more about that. He heads up fish culture for several of the hatcheries and is a muskie fisherman. Very nice guy.

10-04-2011, 11:29 AM
Tim Wilson made mention last night that the Fish and Wildlife Service came in and shot some cormorants this year that were preying on the hatchery ponds, and one of them had 37 muskies in it's stomach. Another part of the reason for having a lower than average stocking class this year. Hopefully they (PA F&BC and the F&WS) can work together to figure out a system to protect these fingerlings better. Better survival rates if they reach larger sizes, but the cost to keep them longer escalates quickly.

10-04-2011, 11:43 AM
I was told that because of the loss of the fish feeding them the pellets that Kinzua hasn't been stocked and probably won't since it's way down on the list for stocking. What is with these hatcherys trying new pellets and killing off fish without trying a few fish first? Same thing happened last year in NY.

There was a post about fin clipping in NY and not having enough help to do it effectively.
I know that there are tons of people willing to donate time, boats, monies, whatever is needed to help out the fish commish to make the fishery better for all of us in both states. For some reason working with them is like pulling teeth. The stocking schedule is last minute that makes it hard to get time off. I warn my boss ahead of time that sometime in the next 2-3 weeks I need a last minute day off to help. Does it really need to be like that? Why?

We need to get a better working relationship with them to help out with what they need when they need it, but, they need to work with us with somewhat of a warning and schedule of what's happening and when.

A tourney/outing/lure auction/ any way we can make some monies to help out with baitfish funding if they would use it would be great.
A low return cash tounrey knowing most profits go to the baitfish funds would be perfect!
We could even run it at several locations at once and couple different lakes close to Bulter area where a good number of fisherman are from and maybe a lake or two up this way Kinzua/Tionesta/river with a common meeting at the end. Do a "Big Fish" to make it more fair with the southern lakes holding more numbers than say Kinzua or Tionesta??? Whatever???
Have a couple people run it, then pool the money raise and the winning could be sent in the mail or something?
Just thinking if less guys had to travel a long ways we would have a better turnout.

We just need to really work on the Fish Commish and become partners with them when they are in need.
I'd love to see us be able to fund keeping some fish over winter and stocking some yearlings with a better chance of making it!

10-04-2011, 12:51 PM
I would be willing to help any way I can.

Tournaments are a lot of work for a few people, but probably would be a lot more successful than asking for cash contributions. Speaking as a married man, I think it's a lot easier to justify to the wife writing out a check for a tournament fee as opposed to writing out a check for some minnows that will go to a fish that might get stocked in waters I'll never fish.

I was unaware that pure fingerlings could feed on pellets. If they could master that process, I imagine they could afford to hold the pure fingerlings to a bit larger size.

10-04-2011, 01:27 PM
I think part of the reason they try to switch them over to eating minnows is so they adapt better when they are released in the wild. Once that fish hits the water, there are no more pellets in his future, which he was trained to eat in the hatchery. Now all of a sudden they have to learn how to eat and survive.

In places like Arthur, with a greatly increased population of channel cats, I think part of the key to getting better returns is growing these figerlings longer. Most of the fish stocked now are in the 6 inch range. I think we should fund a couple co-op hatcheries!!

10-04-2011, 05:56 PM
Would anyone be interested in a big buck contest? We could do a $5-10 entry or something like that with a % going towards the baitfish?
Pictures and scores could be sent, keeping it hush hush until all pics and score were in before letting out the winning score........then post all the pictures for all of us to see.
There are lost of ways we could raise some money, I guess that will be the part of all this!!!

HD Fatboy
10-05-2011, 05:08 AM
I would be willing to help any way I can.

fish N ski
10-10-2011, 11:44 PM
I can go for that. When you get this up and running, I will just need to know who to make the check out to...

10-11-2011, 09:55 AM
I got some updated information on this last night at the Three Rivers MI meeting. The club has been in touch with a biologist from the Linesville Hatchery. It sounds as though the hatchery has a pond dedicated to minnows and is having some success raising minnows themselves. They feel they could raise a naturally sustaining population of bait for the muskies if the spawning habitat for the minnows in the pond was a little better. The Three Rivers Chapter is already looking into making a donation to purchase gravel, etc to improve the habitat for the minnows in that pond. I think if the people using this site would like to make contributions for these types of things they should consider joining the Three Rivers Chapter. The club already has the right connections with the PFBC and is making some great contributions to muskie stocking efforts in our part of the state. Better numbers of members in the chapter and more funding will only improve upon what the club has already been able to accomplish.

One of the biggest things to remember...the hatchery and biologists are the experts. It shouldn't be for us to decide what they need but to let them tell us how we can help. I am grateful to be part of a club that is making a difference in our state and has the connections with the right people within the PFBC that are willing to accept our help when and where we can offer it.

I haven't been on the board of Three rivers MI for years now, so I have no other vested interest other than to help to continue to improve muskie fishing in PA. Some of you may have had personal differences with members of the Chapter or MI itself in the past, but this is really the best thing going now for getting better muskie fishing in our state. Consider joining the chapter if you want to help make a difference.

10-11-2011, 11:29 AM
The minnow deal is exciting.

With the little I get to do with the club being so far away and knowing how hard you guys have worked with the fish commish and finally are building a relationship. Becoming a member is probably the best way to help out. More member and membership monies and monies raised through other things would be the best way a single person could make a difference.

I know a good number of guys think they are too far away from the club so why join.
I myself have never been to a meeting, it's 2+ hours away. I still go to all the tourneys I can make, have met some great fisherman and great friends, learn so much in such a short amount of time because of that. And you get the magazine 6 times a year that isn't too bad.
The banquet dinner is a blast, lots of drinks are flowing!!!! Great raffle table, lots of drinks are flowing.

Oh, and the money goes towards our passion! Forgot to mention that.
Adam nailed in on the head.

HD Fatboy
10-12-2011, 09:29 AM
For the sake of sounding stupid here?, Could someone please post what one needs to do to become a member? Thanks!

ray j
10-12-2011, 11:10 AM
Log into "http://www.muskiesinc.org/" and sign up. You can print off a membership form or fill one out online.
$35.00 for 1 year membership. $47.50 for 1 year family membership. Make sure you fill in Chapter Affiliation Choice Number as #16. Three Rivers Chapter.

Ray J

HD Fatboy
10-13-2011, 03:59 AM
Log into "http://www.muskiesinc.org/" and sign up. You can print off a membership form or fill one out online.
$35.00 for 1 year membership. $47.50 for 1 year family membership. Make sure you fill in Chapter Affiliation Choice Number as #16. Three Rivers Chapter.

Ray J

Thanks Ray J

10-13-2011, 08:08 AM
I just found out that the Three Rivers Chapter of MI will have Rob Brown (PFBC) at our December monthly meeting to discuss raising minnows and how the club can contribute.

Meetings are always the 2nd Monday of every month, so this meeting will be Monday, 12/12/11. Meetings start at 7:30 sharp. Meetings are at Northside Sportsmans Club in Warrendale/Cranberry, PA area. The December meeting is also always our Christmas party. It is the most well attended meeting of the year and will be plenty of food and drinks. Usually lures given to all the kids that attend. Last year my 2 yr old daughter got her first perchbait.

If you have an interest in helping contribute to our state's muskie stocking efforts, try to attend this meeting. You do not have to be a member of the club to attend the meetings either, but you can join at the meeting, if you like.

Adam Andresky

HD Fatboy
10-13-2011, 11:17 AM
I joined up! I live pretty a good distance away so I do not know about meeting attendance. I made a small donation to the General Fund when I signed up.


10-13-2011, 02:09 PM

Glad you joined. Just so you know, that donation you made on your registration form will go to the international organization, not the Three Rivers Chapter. I usually try to make a donation to international also.

Any of the money that Three Rivers is donating to the PFBC is coming from our own fund raising efforts or grants that we, as a chapter, apply for.

HD Fatboy
10-14-2011, 04:45 AM
Thanks for the information. Let me know when there are any fund raisers and the like going on at the Three Rivers Chapter. You can PM me here. I usually check in here daily.



11-10-2011, 06:05 AM
I can try to help out a little if you guys want me to. Maybe I can make up a nicer bait for the Butler Show as a "PA Baitfish Fundraiser" to be auctioned off to the highest bidder of the weekend? I bet I could have it on my table labeled as such and at the end of the weekends show I could give it to Harry to send out to the winner. I have helped raise $ in the past for NYS Muskies and would be more than happy to now extend that to PA if some of you guys are interested? I personally think its a wonderful thing to do and would like to know if there is any interest in doing this? If that wouldn't work out I would also be interested in sending a few baits down to maybe be auctioned off at your guys' next meeting to attempt to raise a couple of bucks for your guys' bait fish fund. Please comment if you think this is a good or bad idea? Thanks for your time. Zach Baker

11-10-2011, 08:18 AM

That sound great. It's nice that you would like to help out.

I think some of the things you are willing to contribute could be excellent ideas. However, since I am not on the Three Rivers Chapter board any longer, it will be best to get you in touch with either Joe Houck or Jim Burr.

I'll send you a private message. Get me your contact info. and I'll have one of those guys get in touch with you.

Adam Andresky

Red Childress
11-10-2011, 02:34 PM
Sounds like a great gesture, Zach. If there is anything I can do to help get your lure(s) to the right person, just let me know. You are in good hands with Adam.

11-11-2011, 04:16 AM
Adam- I feel I owe you a plug or two from last year anyways since baits have improved as I have changed a few things about them since last year. I sent out some baits to Jim Burr's house last night and they will arrive in time for your guys'
next meeting on Monday. Jim and Todd Young have given me lots of " constructive feedback " on my baits and what improvements were needed to make them better since they spent sometime fishing with them this summer. I don't know the best way to raise the most money but maybe something like a ticket raffle would work? I am now thinking about a "fundraiser bait" for the Butler Show for you guys and I am more than happy to help in any way possible. Have a great meeting and hopefully at least a couple of bucks are raised, best luck with this project guys!

11-12-2011, 06:52 AM
Nothing to special about the baits I sent down this time. They were just some extras I had since I didn't have any time to prepare. Expect more bait for this winter for you guys.

Larry Jones
12-05-2011, 05:19 PM
I would be happy to donate a Muskie Charter for Two Persons for a Full Day on Chautauqua Lake to be raffled to raise funds for PA Bait Fish!

Capt. Larry D. Jones

12-06-2011, 08:34 AM
Thanks Larry. I'll make sure the board is aware of your offer at the meeting next Monday.

HD Fatboy
02-17-2012, 04:01 PM
With the raffles on EBay and the rod raffle and 50/50 drawing at the Butler show, how do we look at achieving the goal of buying baitfish?

allegheny river kid
02-17-2012, 05:53 PM
From the monday meeting, we sold $270 worth of chances on the lamiglas rod, roughly $660 on the 3 guided fishing trips and rod money you donated and $180 on the first ebay auction.

HD Fatboy
02-17-2012, 07:06 PM
From the monday meeting, we sold $270 worth of chances on the lamiglas rod, roughly $660 on the 3 guided fishing trips and rod money you donated and $180 on the first ebay auction.

Thanks for the update!

Red Childress
02-22-2012, 07:31 PM
Joe Houck emailed me some great news yesterday.......he said that the 3Rivers Club received a 2000.00 grant to be used for the Fathead Minnow Fund.

That will certainly help get us to our goal much faster.

Congrats to the 3Rivers Club!

HD Fatboy
02-23-2012, 05:39 AM
Joe Houck emailed me some great news yesterday.......he said that the 3Rivers Club received a 2000.00 grant to be used for the Fathead Minnow Fund.

That will certainly help get us to our goal much faster.

Congrats to the 3Rivers Club!

Thats Awesome!